The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,119

anger. “She’s doing this because of you! I challenge you to a fight! Whoever wins gets the girl.” Trevor’s gaze narrowed as he puffed his chest out at Adrian, and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re kidding me,” Adrian said with a blank face. He looked down at Trevor with annoyance.

“No, I am not! I love her! I deserve a chance,” Trevor insisted, raising a fist.

“He’s so drunk,” Amy mumbled under her breath.

“I mean, really mate. Are you going to do this right now? Declare your love for her and then fight me to the death? It’s all very Shakespeare if you ask me. There’s no need for the melodramatics; we’ll just let the woman decide for herself. Emily?”

Both men turned to me, and I looked at them both incredulously. Adrian smirked once he noticed my expression, making me glare in his direction.

“This is s-” I began.

“Ha! She has chosen me!” Trevor shouted, catching the attention of a few more onlookers who were observing the confrontation.

“No I didn’t!” I exclaimed, giving Trevor another annoyed glare.

Trevor’s jaw hung open, before he glared back. “I don’t care. I saw you first, so you’re coming with me.” He reached out and grabbed my upper arm before pulling me over towards him.

This, apparently, did not sit well with Adrian. Before I knew it, Adrian’s fist was flying in the direction of Trevor’s face, and a sickening crack sounded at the skin-to-skin contact. I squeaked before returning back to my original position behind Adrian just as Trevor let out a muffled groan and covered his nose with his hand.

“What the hell is wrong with you man?” he shouted. “That hurt!”

“Really? I was going for a gentle caress on the cheek!” Adrian exclaimed sarcastically, before raising his fist for another punch.

“Adrian!” I exclaimed, making him turn towards me. “Don’t. Let’s just leave,” I ordered sternly, keeping my gaze firm.

Adrian sighed before looking down at his suit jacket and groaning in disgust. “I’ve got his blood all over the jacket. This was a new one too,” he mumbled while shrugging it off. He tossed the jacket aside carelessly before rolling the sleeves of his button up shirt to his shoulders. I felt my eyes bulge out of their sockets at the sight and noticed Amy smirking from the corner of my eye. She knew men in button up shirts with rolled up sleeves was my weakness, and here Adrian was, doing it casually.

“Honestly Shortcake,” Adrian began, completely oblivious to my gawking state as he began rolling up his other sleeve, “I think I’m going to need to invest in a mask to cover up that pretty little face of yours. You’re attracting men from every single angle of this room.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, looking down at my shoes.

He chuckled before pulling me in for a kiss. “Come on, let’s go,” he announced, leading me towards the exit of the club.

“I just think Blake should be here at times like this to really comfort me,” Amy pouted in a drunken state.

I smirked as Allen gave me a questioning look. “He’s my older brother that she’s been crushing on since she met him,” I explained with a laugh once I noticed Amy glaring.

“I don’t lllllike him,” she slurred, before leaning on Allen for support.

“Of course you don’t sweetie,” I reassured her.

“I just think navy is the best option,” she mumbled again before nodding.

This time, both Allen and Adrian gave me questioning looks, and I sighed. “She thinks Adrian and I are getting married and wants the bridesmaids dresses to be navy,” I explained.

Allen began laughing at my explanation just as Adrian pulled me closer. “Amy thinks really well sometimes.”

“What?” I asked, giving him a look of confusion.

“She thinks we’re getting married,” Adrian smirked. “We are.”

I shook my head and hit his chest lightly. “Adrian, we’ve only been dating for a month.”

“Yeah, and I still haven’t gotten any! Marriage is the best option. But no kids,” Adrian added, before a traumatized cringe took over his arrogant expression.

“No kids? Why not?” I frowned.

Adrian gave me a look of disbelief just as we reached the car. “Are you kidding me? Have you seen one of those things in real life? They’re scary. They scream and bite and create nuclear bombs out of their excrement.” He shuddered from his own words, before opening the door for me to get into the car.

“They’re not all bad, Adrian.”

“Okay fine. We can have kids. Just not right away,” Adrian announced, before telling the driver to take us home. Amy Copyright 2016 - 2024