The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,118

our gazes meet. “Here’s my first question to you. What exactly happens in these dreams of yours?”

“You die by my hands,” I replied with a glare while placing my palms flat on his chest to try and push myself off his body and out of this situation.

Adrian chuckled at my response and failed attempt to escape from his grip, before I felt his lips on mine. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He smirked once he pulled away from the kiss, making a smile escape.

“Shut up idiot,” I mumbled, even as I placed another peck on his lips.

“Come on, let’s go to bed. Do you need help with stripping?” Adrian asked with a false look of innocence.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off him before taking my jeans off in front of him; making his eyes widen. “No thank you, I’m good.” I smirked, before getting into the bed.

“I like this side of you a lot, Shortcake,” Adrian announced as he pulled me over to his body and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“So do I,” I murmured, pulling him in for another kiss.


“So I thought about it, and I think navy would be the best option for the bridesmaids dresses. Only because it won’t clash too much with Molly’s hair and navy looks really good on me.”

I gave Amy a look of confusion, waiting for her to elaborate.

“For your wedding?” she replied with a ‘duh’ tone, rolling her eyes.

“And… who am I marrying and when?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Mr. Sexy pants, of course!” She gave me a look of exasperation before she shook her head. “Honestly, Em, you need to keep up with your life.”

“Amy,” I told her with an amused expression, “we’re not getting married.”

“Of course we’re not! I was talking about you and Adrian!” she exclaimed, before taking another sip of her drink.

“I think you’ve had too much alcohol,” I said wryly. “We should get home.”

I looked around the club for Adrian and Allen. Adrian refused to let this night happen if he didn’t tag along, and as my eyes met his, I knew he was watching us carefully to see if any guys came near us.

Amy huffed, before gulping the rest of her drink down in one go. “Fine, party pooper. Only because Adrian’s hot friend is here tonight.”

I smirked. “The hot friend you haven’t looked at more than once because you’re too busy fawning over my brother?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Shut up!” Amy whined, pushing me off the bar stool lightly. I laughed and helped her stand straight, before looking over at Adrian and nodding towards the exit.

Adrian got the message instantly, and he and Allen were by our sides in a flash. “Ready to go?”

“Yep,” I laughed as my eyes landed on Amy, who was intently concentrating on her fingernails. “This one has had a little too much to drink tonight.”

“Emily?” a new voice slurred, making all four heads turn around.

My eyes widened in shock as I recognized my ex-boyfriend from college. I gave him a tight smile. “Hey, Trevor! How have you been?” I asked politely.

“Me? Oh, great. Just great,” he slurred as he took a step closer. “You look so hot! I think we should get back together, Emily. I miss you a lot.”

I opened my mouth to reply when I felt an arm snake itself around my waist, and I was pulled into Adrian’s torso. “Get away from her, asshole.” He glared down at Trevor. “She’s with me now.”

“Who the hell is this jerk? She’s my girlfriend-”

“She’s your ex-girlfriend, moron,” Adrian growled as he took a step forward and shielded me from Trevor with his body. “Get away from her before I make you.”

I maneuvered around Adrian and stepped between them in a rush. “Hey, cut it out. Let’s just go home, Adrian.” To my ex-boyfriend, I said, “Trevor, it was really nice to see you but I’ve moved on. I’m sorry.” I tried to look sympathetic, but the reality of the situation was I couldn’t care less. Trevor had slept with me then we broke up two weeks later because I didn’t want to do it again.

“What? Come on Emily, I loved you!” Trevor exclaimed, his voice growing louder.

“Yes, loved. Now fuck off, you little shit!” Amy snapped, making me stifle a laugh.

“No, I refuse to let you leave until I get you back,” he slurred, stumbling closer towards me. I took a step back in annoyance, making Trevor look up at Adrian in Copyright 2016 - 2024