Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,52

still succeed.’

With that hellish weapon of his, powered by the Heart of Ra, he would succeed Asgoleth thought. Then the Draskians too would suffer as had the Torrans unless the tyrant was stopped before he reached the border. Asgoleth pursed his lips in thought then said,

‘Return to the valley and summon the commanders here at once. Order our men to don the armour and weapons of the dead and hold themselves ready to march at a moment’s notice. Go!’

The warrior turned his horse and galloped away to relay his orders and Bal Shoteb shook his head.

‘We will be hard pressed to defeat an army more than twice our strength, Asgoleth.’

‘Not if we have the advantage of surprise on our side, my friend.’

‘What do you mean? How can we possibly take him by surprise?’

Asgoleth grinned and said,

‘There is a way and with a little luck my plan will work and we will be rid of Demos for good.’

‘But…!’ Bal Shoteb was silenced by Asgoleth’s upraised hand.

‘Wait until the commanders arrive. Then we can work out the details.’

Asgoleth took Amira by the arm and walked with her into the caves. Bal Shoteb stared after them in bewilderment. He knew that Asgoleth's quick and agile mind had come up with a plan. He just hoped for all their sakes that it was a good one. Shaking his head he followed them into the caves to await the arrival of the Torran commanders.


Demos sneered at the glittering ranks of the Draskian army drawn up in its battle lines to oppose him. He saw doubt in the faces of his own men for the Draskians had been forewarned of the Akonite advance and had had more than enough time to mobilise their entire army. Unlike the assault on Torr, this time there would be no element of surprise. No toppling towers to demoralise and cow their foes.

The Draskian army outnumbered the Akonites by at least ten thousand men and they were confident that they could repel the invaders.

The two armies faced each other across the wide, shallow, Red River that marked the border between Torr and Drask. Soon now, as it had many times before, its waters would run truly red with the blood of the fallen as two armies merged together in savage conflict.

There was no doubt on the face of Demos as he stared at their glittering, confident, ranks. The Draskians were there in such force because he had arranged it so. He it was who had sent word ahead into Drask to warn them of the Akonite advance. He knew that the Draskians would rush to defend their borders and so they had done. There before him waited the full military might of a proud land ready to give battle. He felt like laughing out loud at the fools.

Ordinarily it would have been a daunting sight but not to Demos this day. He wanted them just where they were. When he unleashed the power of his Deathbringer, their army would wither and perish and with their finest soldiers destroyed the people of Drask would be helpless before him. Word of his power would spread to other lands and all would learn that it was pointless to resist him.

He patted the shining assembly of crystal and steel that composed the Deathbringer and smiled a ghastly smile as he looked upon the Heart of Ra embedded deep within it. Such power it held; power enough to destroy all his enemies and make him master of the world.

He turned his attention back to the Draskian army and waited. He knew that the Draskian king and his generals would soon give the order to attack. They would be sure that the Akonites, outnumbered as they were, would have no choice but to fight defensively. They would be confident of victory over their arrogant, foolish, foes. Suddenly the harsh blare of the war horns rang out and now Demos did laugh out loud as the Draskian infantry surged forward.

Into the wide, shallow river they ran, their weapons glittering in the sun and their war cries ringing from their lips. The Akonites on the opposite bank braced themselves to meet the charge and many cast anxious glances back at their terrible commander. When would he unleash his great power against the enemy?

Demos watched the Draskians cross the river. Saw their heavy cavalry trotting close behind the infantry, awaiting their moment to charge forward and smash the Akonite ranks into red ruin. At last he looked at the Copyright 2016 - 2024