Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,51

would do his best to lead the Torrans to victory; when he had done so he would head off in search of fresh adventures. The world was wide and full of lands and peoples he had never seen. Out there lay mystery and excitement and, who knew, perhaps a kingdom of his very own.

He was brought back to reality by a slap on the back from Bal Shoteb.

‘Wake up, Asgoleth! The Princess Amira awaits your report.’

Asgoleth grinned at his friend.

‘Then by Ragnar's beard, I shall not keep her waiting, come.’

He spurred his horse forward and soon they arrived at the entrance to a large system of underground caves.

He saw Amira run from the cave towards them and he grinned as he leapt down from his steed and strode towards her. Bal Shoteb came clattering up behind him and Amira checked her headlong rush as she remembered who and what she was. She was no longer just a frightened girl. She was the Princess Amira, the future queen of the people all around her and she must behave as such, even though all she wanted to do was throw herself into Asgoleth’s arms. She drew herself up regally but she could not keep the tremor out of her voice as she asked

‘What news of the battle, my lords? ‘

Asgoleth, mindless of her royal dignity, swept her up and swung her around like a child then he set her down and cried out,

‘Hear me now! This day the Torran army has won a great victory. Our enemies lie slain in the Valley of the eagles and soon their master will be dead too. We are victorious!’

Cheers and applause greeted his words and Amira cried out,

‘Thank you, Asgoleth. When word of this victory spreads, men will flock to serve under our banners. Torr will be free again and it will be thanks to you.’

Asgoleth held her at arm’s length and looking into her eyes he saw the devotion shining in them. He knew at that moment that she and her realm were his for the asking if he so chose. He could be a king and his name would live on in song and legend, all he had to do was ask. He tore his gaze away, he was not ready to be a king just yet and besides, when he decided he was, he would take what he wanted. He looked at the happy faces all around and said,

‘Hear me, people of Torr. The victory today belongs not to me but to a man named, Nythos. He it was who gave his life to lead the Akonites into our trap. He and others like him destroyed the enemy. More like him will die before this war is won but they will not have died in vain. Nythos knew the value of freedom from tyranny. He rode into that valley today knowing that he was going to die but that did not stop him.

He did this because he was a Torran and he wanted Torr and its people to be free. I lead our soldiers but it is they and they alone to whom you will owe your thanks when victory is ours and have no doubt in your hearts, victory will indeed be ours as long as we have men as brave and noble as Nythos among our ranks.’

The crowd burst into roars of approval at his words and Bal Shoteb slapped him heartily on the back.

‘Well said, my young friend well said!’

Amira was in his arms once more and the cheers grew louder as she kissed him with fierce passion. Asgoleth groaned inwardly. He had meant only to impress upon them the knowledge that they held their destiny in their own hands. He had done so but somehow he had made himself an even greater hero to them. He was almost glad to be disturbed by the urgent voice of the warrior who came galloping up to him.

‘My lord, I bring grave news. We learned from the prisoners that even now, Demos is on the march with an army of thirty thousand men.’

Asgoleth and Bal Shoteb glanced at each other in dismay. Their own army numbered only fourteen thousand men and many of them were poorly armed.

‘Where is he headed?’ Asgoleth demanded. The warrior replied.

‘Toward the Draskian border, Valshin's men were to meet up with him after we had been destroyed and together they were going to invade and conquer the Draskians. Even with the men he has left he may Copyright 2016 - 2024