Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,49

last Valshin saw it start to open out ahead of them. He turned to the Hillman and raised a questioning eyebrow. The Hillman nodded in return and Valshin grinned. He whispered orders to his junior officers and watched as they rode away to relay them to the men. Soon all was ready and Valshin drew his sword and raised it high. He would lead the charge personally. Those fools up ahead did not know what was about to hit them. The rebels would be crushed under the onslaught of his cavalry and any who survived the initial attack would fall to the foot soldiers coming up behind. The rebel menace would be destroyed and he, General Valshin, would enjoy a rich reward from Lord Demos.

Grinning widely he looked at the Hillman and said,

‘You have kept your end of the bargain dog. Now, as an extra reward you will be allowed to witness the results of your treachery. You will ride into battle with us and watch as we slaughter your people and as they die they shall know that it was you who betrayed them.’

The Hillmans eyes opened wide in fear.

‘You cannot make me do this, my lord. My job was only to lead you here, not to take part in the killing.’

Valshin laughed at him.

‘I can make you do anything I wish, Hillman, anything at all. If you refuse I will kill you here and now, choose.’

Valshin and his men sneered in contempt as the Hillman bowed his head in acceptance of Valshin's will. Then the general looked back at his warriors and saw that they were ready for battle. He turned his steeds head and spurred it forward, his sword held high. Behind him, three thousand cavalrymen urged their mounts to follow and a terrible rumble filled the air as the Akonites burst forth from the gorge and into the Valley of the Eagles, before them lay a mass of tents and huts, the living quarters of the Torran and Agar warriors. Campfires burned and the Akonites snatched up burning brands as they galloped past and hurled them into the tents and onto the roofs of the huts. Flames sprang up and smoke and soot blackened the sky and in a few moments the camp was a shambles.

Valshin reined his horse in and cursed viciously when he realised that the camp was empty and deserted. All around him his men milled in bewilderment and growing fear. Valshin glared at the Hillman and snarled in fury when he saw the mocking grin on the man’s face. It was a trap then and he had galloped right into it.

A loud rumble filled the air and the ground trembled beneath the horses hooves as the trap was sprung. Valshin looked back and his worst fears were confirmed when he saw that tons of rock had been released from the cliffs and was tumbling down with crushing force upon the foot soldiers who were still within the gorge.

Finally the rumbling growl of stone faded away and he saw that the mouth of the gorge was completely blocked and his escape was cut off. Then he saw movement atop the cliffs and he licked suddenly dry lips as thousands of warriors took up their positions. He saw them nock arrows to bowstrings and he knew that he and his remaining men could expect no mercy. He snarled at the Hillman and raised his sword.

‘You at least, will not live to enjoy your victory, dog.’

The Hillman laughed out loud.

‘I do not need to you Akonite pig. I have already avenged my slain sons and the name of Nythos will be remembered with honour. Can you say the same about yourself?’

Then he launched himself from his saddle, his hands outstretched to grab the Akonites throat. Valshin gave an inarticulate scream of fear and rage and brought his sword down in a whistling slash that cut through Nythos’ shoulder, smashing through collar bone and ribs. The force of the blow stopped the Hillman in mid-air and sent him crashing to the ground in a spray of blood as the blade was torn free. He landed in a broken gasping heap on the ground and the life flowed swiftly from him. Even as he died his eyes shone with victory as he looked up at his slayer. Then he gasped and succumbed to death, knowing that he had not died in vain.

General Valshin spat at the corpse and began to scream orders at his men.

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