Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,48

to grin coldly and to Krytos that grin grew huge and filled his whole world. It was a sight that repelled and sickened him but he could not tear his gaze away from the face of his hellish tormentor. At last, after a seeming eternity of terror, Demos spoke, his voice cold and cruel.

‘So your heart belongs to me, fool? Then I will have what is mine.’

The deadly ring flashed brightly and a beam of unearthly ruby light shot out from it and enveloped the old man in a nimbus of glowing light. Krytos stiffened and jerked upright at its touch, his eyes flying wide with horror. Demos held out his hand and snarled

‘Give me that which is mine, fool. Give me your heart.’

A ghastly ripping, tearing sound was heard and Krytos, held helpless by the power of the ring, began to shriek. His eyes were wide with disbelief and shock as he watched the front of his robe rip open as if invisible hands were tearing at it. His shrieks became higher and shriller as his scrawny chest surged outwards as though something inside it sought to escape. He cried out in his agony as the skin began to rip and split. Blood spurted and sprayed out as the ghastly rent in his flesh grew larger. Finally, with a last powerful surge, his chest burst wide open in a spray of gore. Red flesh and white bone glistened in the light and out of his ruined body a fist sized object flew. Across the throne room it hurtled, spraying blood, until with a soft, wet, slap it landed in the outstretched hand of Demos.

Horribly Krytos yet lived, kept alive by the power of the gem. His shrieks died slowly away into blood choked moans and Demos sneered at him. He held aloft the still quivering heart, looking at it with contempt, and then he tossed it casually aside. The glow of the ring faded and Krytos was at last granted the mercy of death. His frail, broken body slumped to the floor and lay there in a widening pool of blood, a ghastly warning to the others.

Demos scowled at his cowering terrified subjects. Many were sobbing and gasping with shock and horror at what they had just witnessed. Demos nodded in satisfaction. Word of these events would spread swiftly and no one else would even think of questioning his slightest whim in the future. He grinned and said,

‘Does anyone else wish to question my commands?’

Only silence answered him and he laughed.

‘ I thought not. Now go and carry out your orders.’

There was a rush of bowing, groveling people and in moments the throne room was empty save for Demos and some slaves. He sat back down on the throne and said,

‘Have that mess removed at once.’

The slaves scurried to obey and he leaned back on his throne and smiled as he envisioned the vast empire he was about to start building.


General Valshin scowled fiercely at the Hillman and growled,

‘How much further, dog?’

The man flinched and shifted uneasily in his saddle and Valshin looked at him with the contempt any warrior would feel for a traitor. The Hillman glanced up at towering crags that loomed above them and said,

‘One more hour, lord General and we will be at the mouth of the Valley of the Eagles.’

Valshin grunted and he too looked up at the masses of rock above. Behind him there waited three thousand cavalry, their horses hooves muffled with wadding and their own gear tied down to prevent any noise. Another five thousand foot soldiers followed behind them and Valshin growled wordlessly to himself.

This accursed gorge through which he was leading his soldiers was a perfect spot for an ambush. A few hundred hillmen up on those peaks could wipe out his entire army with a few well placed rocks. He did not like this situation one little bit. Every instinct warned him of danger and his nerves were stretched to breaking point.

By all the gods, if he ever found the enemies camp he would kill them all, men, women and children in punishment for forcing him to come into this disgusting wilderness. He gave the Hillman a sour look then waved his men forward.

The Akonites followed him reluctantly. Every man knew that their enemies could come upon them at any time and every eye fearfully scanned the menacing slopes above for any sign of life.

In this manner the army made its way through the gorge until at Copyright 2016 - 2024