Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,35

bring him down and kill him there and then. Such was his speed that his guards were taken completely by surprise even though they had been half expecting him to do this. But fast as he was his speed availed him naught for Demos too had been expecting such a move and he was cloaked in the protective aura of the gem on his finger.

Asgoleth’s leap was checked in mid-air and he was hurled violently away to land heavily upon the hard, stony ground. He lay there dazed and breathless and Demos snarled at him,

‘I grow weary of your puny insolence, barbarian. You will carry out my orders or both you and the princess will die now.’

Asgoleth rolled over and climbed to his feet and stood there swaying slightly as he fought off waves of dizziness and nausea then Demos said,

‘Give him his sword and dagger; he will need them to fight the guardian of the Heart of Ra.’

A surge of pleasure went through Asgoleth as the weapons were thrown at his feet. Covered by half a dozen crossbows, he stooped and swiftly buckled the belt about his lean waist and drew his sword from its sheath. The razor sharp edge gleamed brightly in the sun and he grinned at the Akonites who surrounded him. They were ready to open fire in an instant having seen how fast and dangerous this man was but Demos ignored their fear. He knew the barbarian was just playing with them and did not intend to attack. He knew that Amira would die if he did.

He signalled another of his warriors and the man threw a bundle of prepared torches to Asgoleth then he tossed another one already alight which the Calthian snatched out of the air with unerring ease. Demos grinned,

‘Go and carry out your master’s orders, barbarian.’

Asgoleth hefted his sword and with a final look at Amira he turned his face towards the brooding bulk of the Mountain of Doom. He put Demos and the Akonites out of his mind; he would find a way to deal with them later. For now he would need all of his concentration for the task that lay ahead.

An almost palpable aura of menace seeped out of that massive pile of black stone and for a moment he hesitated and considered going back. Better to die under a hail of crossbow bolts than at the hands or claws of whatever foul fiend awaited him within the mountain. Then he growled deep in his throat and chastised himself for such thoughts. He was a warrior and he would face the guardian of the gem as a warrior should, with sword in hand and courage in his heart. Grimly he began to walk towards the gaping mouth of a tunnel which had been carved into the side of the mountain.

Ashe drew near he saw that others had been here before him. A little to one side of the entrance lay a heavy stone slab which had served as a seal against the outside world. Some other seeker of the treasure had pried it loose and then went in to die, leaving the slab where it had fallen. A shudder touched his spine, no doubt he would find their bones lying somewhere within. Torch in one hand, sword in the other, he entered the tunnel ready to deal death at a moment’s notice.

Within only a few steps the black rock seemed to soak up all the light from the sun that filtered in from behind and he was left with only the flickering radiance of the torch to light his way.

He moved silently, his eyes searching every leaping shadow for danger. As he moved deeper into the gloom he became aware of a chill dampness in the air and a heavy, musty odour as of corpses long dead. Suddenly he saw a flicker of white ahead and he crouched into a fighting stance, sword ready to deal death. For a long tense moment he stood thus but nothing moved and finally he went warily forward. Then he saw that the white object was a shattered human skull. Looking around in the wavering light he saw other bones strewn about the floor.

He examined them carefully thinking perhaps that some scavenger had discovered the corpse and had scattered the bones as it feasted. This thought was soon proved false. He could see no signs that the bones had been gnawed upon and broken open for the marrow as a wild beast Copyright 2016 - 2024