Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,34

have been better had he sent one of his arrows through her heart to end her pain. Demos was truly a monster beyond comprehension. Calthians could be hard and cruel when they had to be but no Calthian would ever take such wicked delight in the prolonged torture of a helpless girl. Somehow he would find a way to put an end to Demos even if it cost him his life. If he could not do that then at least he would put the girl out of her misery. Better a quick death at the hands of a friend than a long slow one at the hands of a creature like Demos. Lost in these gloomy thoughts he trudged on under the burning sun.

His vision was blurred and fatigue threatened to bring him down but he knew that if he fell he would be dragged along behind the horse he was tethered to. On such rough and stony ground he would suffer terrible injury. Injury he could not long survive in his present weakened condition. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and despite a few faltering steps he managed to stay on his feet. So engrossed was he in doing this that he only became aware that the Akonite column had come to a halt when he walked into the back of the horse.

A subdued murmur of unease broke out among the Akonites as they looked upon their destination. Asgoleth blinked the sweat from his eyes and followed their gaze. Ahead of them rose a massive tower of jet black stone, jutting thousands of feet up into the dry desert air. This then was the hiding place of that which Demos sought. This was the fabled mountain of doom.

He had heard the tales of those who had come to this terrible place seeking the treasure that was reputed to lie within the mountain. None had returned and what terrible fate they had met with no one knew, except perhaps the priestesses of mighty Solus. They however, until now at least, had kept their secret well.

Suddenly his guards snapped to attention. Asgoleth heard a horse approach and as a shadow fell upon him he looked up into the grinning face of Demos. For a long moment they stared into each other’s eyes and Demos frowned; before him stood no beaten wretch broken in spirit. He saw in the barbarians eyes no fear or despair, only a cold, implacable hatred. Then he sneered. It did not matter what this barbarian animal felt. As long as he held the princess captive this fool would obey him. What utter fools men could be. His lip curled with contempt as he said,

‘I have a task for you Calthian. Yours will be the honour of retrieving the Heart of Ra from its hiding place. If you fail me in this or if you try to escape you know what will happen. Do you understand?’

Asgoleth said nothing but the rage glittered brightly in his cold grey eyes. Demos snorted with contempt and turned his mount away.

‘Bring him.’ he commanded and Asgoleth was pushed roughly forward. The thongs that bound his wrists were cut and he stifled a groan as the agony of returning circulation hit him. He glared at his captors, calculating his chances of leaping in among them to slay and destroy but the guard commander knew barbarians and snarled,

‘Don’t try it, pig or by Balzar I will send you to face the demons of the mount with your legs full of crossbow bolts.’

Asgoleth saw that the man meant what he said and stood silently making no move. The Akonite grinned.

‘Well done dog, you know who your masters’ are, don’t you? Now march.’

The commander pointed to the head of the column and Asgoleth started walking with his guards all around him.

Demos awaited him and so too did Amira. Asgoleth raged inwardly as he saw the lines of fatigue and horror etched in her lovely face. Her eyes were hopeless pools of despair and they held no hint of recognition as he drew near. She had the look of one spell caught and Asgoleth growled,

‘What have you done to her, you animal?’

Demos grinned his cold, infuriating grin and said,

‘I have merely put a simple spell on her to stop her from trying to kill herself. She does not seem to be enjoying the little games we play together at night.’

With a roar of fury Asgoleth launched himself at the tyrant determined to Copyright 2016 - 2024