Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,18

our walls protect us from this sorcerer’s magic. No, we will ride out to meet him rather than hide behind useless walls. This Demos may be victorious but if we are strong in our defiance, he will not find that an easy task. I have sent word to our northern garrisons to hasten here with all speed but until they arrive to aid us we are on our own. The men of Torr will not be found wanting in this time of trouble and the Akonites will pay dearly for their aggression against us.’

His words brought shouts of approval from the gathered nobility and Aractus grinned at his warriors in fierce appreciation and said,

‘You all know what you must do so let us then commend our souls to mighty Solus and pray that She will aid us against our foes. Go now to your posts and do your duty.’

He watched them go and then turned to Asgoleth.

‘Well my young friend, it seems that soon you will have the action you crave eh?’

Asgoleth raised an eyebrow; the king could read men well. He nodded grimly and said,

‘What of the princess?

He knew that Amira was at her duties in the innermost sanctum of the temple of Solus, a place where no man was allowed to set foot but he was not at ease when she was there. He had sworn to protect her and he couldn’t’t do so while she was acting as the high priestess.

The king smiled at him.

‘I know you fear for her but she is as safe there as she would be here. Besides, she knows that that is where her duty lies. Now tell me, are the men under your command ready to fight? In the coming battle we will need every man we can get.’

Asgoleth grinned at him.

‘Aye that they are, your majesty, I had to knock a few heads together before they would accept me as their commander but they know now who is in charge and they will acquit themselves well in the battle to come.’

Aractus smiled grimly, he could well imagine the barbarian’s methods and the reaction of the guards but he had to admit that his palace guard looked a lot more like fighting men since Asgoleth had taken command.

‘Very well then Asgoleth. Have your men go throughout the city and round up every able bodied man. See to it that all are armed and assign them to where they can be of most use. Then I want you to accompany me on a tour of inspection. Go now, for time is short.

Asgoleth strode off to carry out his orders and within a few hours the city had been transformed into an armed camp. Armed men were being formed up into their companies with grim businesslike efficiency. All there knew that their lives and the lives of their families were dependant on how they conducted themselves in the coming battle and all were determined to do their best to defeat the Akonite enemy. The entire citizenry of Torr From young striplings to ancient toothless old men were there and all were armed with weapons of some kind and each eye burned with the light of grim determination. Asgoleth nodded in approval, they would fight well in the coming conflict. All that could be done had been done.

Asgoleth walked with the king as he carried out his tour of inspection. They halted just above the main gate of the city and looked down upon the long line of frightened people who had come to the city seeking sanctuary. Asgoleth raised his eyes from the sight and looked out across the broad Torran meadowlands. Something caught his eye and he pointed.

‘Look there,’ he said.

The king followed his pointing finger and a curse ripped from his lips. Far off in the distance there was smoke; long, thin, columns rising up into the air that spoke of the destruction of towns and villages.

‘Damn them all!’ Aractus growled. ‘I will make these Akonite dogs pay for this.’

‘They will be here soon your majesty.’ the barbarian said. ‘I would advise you to try and get some rest before they arrive. The coming days will demand much of you.’

Aractus glared at him as if about to ask how he could possibly rest while his people were being killed and hounded from their homes. Then he saw the wisdom of the warrior’s words. The coming days would indeed demand much of him and there would be little opportunity for rest. He Copyright 2016 - 2024