Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,17

the victorious cheers of the Akonites and the hateful laughter of their sorcerer king. There was a snarl of fury on his face as he grabbed the reins of a riderless horse and leapt into the saddle. He forced the terrified animal into a gallop over the shaking ground, determined to get away and warn king Aractus of this terrible disaster.

Behind him, the Akonite army surged forward over the ruined walls of Fort Kronos and like an evil tide, swept on into the land of Torr.


Asgoleth gritted his teeth and suppressed a sigh as yet another whining merchant stepped forth. He was finding out that life as a palace guard did not sit well with him. He was a warrior and he should be about a warriors business instead of standing here listening to the endless complaints of merchants.

His eyes roved over the court of King Aractus taking in the perfumed nobles in their costly robes and their bejeweled ladies upon their arms, all of them adhering to the formality of the court. He found their behaviour and their conversation strange and near incomprehensible at times. It was all very different from the life he had known as a mercenary on the border.

He missed the camaraderie and the bawdy jests of the barrack room. Found himself missing the danger and excitement of the border patrols, the clash of swords and the exultation of victory over his foes. He was no civilised man and this soft life he was leading now did not suit him; and there lay his dilemma. He had given his word to guard the king and his daughter and his word was binding upon him.

His hand sought out the hilt of his sword and closed about it firmly. He glared at the merchant before him and the man caught that look and blanched. Asgoleth grinned at the man’s discomfiture then silently berated himself for behaving so. It was not this man’s fault that he was a merchant rather than a warrior. Merchants were a necessary part of city life. Without them no city could exist. He ground his teeth and looked at the king. Later, when the day’s business had been dispensed with, he would speak to Aractus and ask to be returned to the border garrisons. That was where he could be of most use. But then he would no longer be able to see Amira and that was something he did not want to give up. What was he to do?

His head jerked up and he half drew his sword as he heard a commotion outside the doors to the throne room. The doors flew open and a travel stained warrior strode in struggling with the guards.

‘Get out of my way you fools! I must speak to the king at once.’

Aractus was on his feet in an instant and called out,

‘Let him approach.’

The guards fell back and the man came forward. He did not waste time bowing but instead came straight to the point.

‘Lord King, I bring terrible news. Fort Kronos has fallen and the Akonite army is but a few hours behind me.’

A stunned silence greeted his words and then everyone began to talk at once. The king’s voice rang out over the noise.


Then he demanded,

‘How can such a thing have happened warrior?’

‘My lord, the Akonites have a new king. His name is Demos and he is a sorcerer. He used his magic to bring the very cliffs down upon our heads. Fort Kronos and most of the garrison there were destroyed. I only just managed to get away to bring you the news. My lord, their army is even now laying waste to everything they pass and they will be here within hours. What are we to do?

Aractus began to issue orders to prepare the army for battle and men hastened to carry out his commands. He summoned his nobles and generals and when all were there he spoke,

‘My lords you have all heard the grim news and we all know what awaits us if the Akonites should take the city. I propose to ride out and meet the enemy on the plains before the city where we will be able to take the battle to them’

One of his men, Baron Jahinder, spoke up,

‘But what of the city my king, Should we not stay behind our stout walls and hold out until our reinforcements arrive?’

Aractus shook his head.

If the walls of mighty fort Kronos could not stand against him then nor will Copyright 2016 - 2024