Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,11


‘It seems you have been missed, Princess. Come, we had better return to the palace quickly.’

He took her hand and made to lead her into the light but she pulled against him and he stopped and frowned at her.

‘What ails you girl? You need have no fear now. Soon you will be back in your palace and this night will fade and be forgotten. Come now.’

Still she refused to move. Instead she laid her hand lightly upon his mail clad chest and looked up into his eyes. In the light from the street he got his first really good look at her and he smiled at what he saw.

Long, foaming black hair, entwined with strings of precious gems, cascaded down over her slim white shoulders. Eyes as green as emeralds, set in a heart shaped face, stared back at him and as he looked down upon her he felt an urge to crush her to him and taste of those full, red, half open lips. For a long moment they stood thus and Amira blushed at the fierce appreciation in his gaze.

She lowered her own gaze in confusion, knowing not how to say what was in her heart. Never before had she experienced such strange, frightening and yet so thrilling emotions as those that filled her now. He said nothing, merely holding her within his arms until she straightened her shoulders, looked into his eyes and cried,

‘Oh Asgoleth, When you take me back to my father’s palace I shall once again become the Princess. I shall be surrounded by armed guards and fussing maids and once more I shall be the high born and aloof royal lady.’

She swallowed nervously then spoke on quickly before her nerve failed her.

‘But until then, I am just a girl and I wish to reward you for your valour in the only way a girl can.’

Her heart pounded as she looked up at him. She could hardly believe what she had just said to this huge, wild, barbarian. She, a royal princess, offering herself to a savage! It was unthinkable that she should behave so and yet here she stood, trembling, afraid that he would refuse her.

He stared down at her and she looked away, unable to meet his gaze. Then he laughed and swept her into his strong arms.

‘By all the gods there be girl, no man could ask a better reward than that.’

Their lips met and she thrilled to the lawless passion of his kisses, the touch of his hands upon her body. Finally, gasping for breath, her head awhirl and her eyes ablaze with a primal hunger, she pulled away from him and gasped,

‘Asgoleth, I must return to the palace at once,’

She saw his frown and quickly touched slim fingers to his lips.

‘Hear me Asgoleth. When the clamor has died down, I will send a trusted maid to you. She will guide you by secret ways, to my chamber. There I would learn from you how a warrior of the north treats a woman.’

She looked up at him, boldly now and there was a challenge sparkling in her eyes. He held her at arm’s length, drinking in her beauty, and then he laughed once more.

‘Aye girl, you will learn and I will be happy to teach you.’

They kissed once more, fiercely and then he glanced out into the street.

‘First things first though eh? Come, let us go.’

Together they eased out into the confused crowds that were making their way to the palace. Amira snuggled close to her huge protector and, wrapped in the folds of his cloak, none guessed that she for whom they all searched was among them. She wanted to reveal herself to them, let them all know that she was safe but Asgoleth forbade it. He wanted to keep her identity a secret lest there be more enemies close by among the throng. She was pleased and snuggled even closer, enjoying his mastery over her.

As they drew near the palace they beheld scenes of uproar and confusion. Squads of horsemen clattered in and out of the palace gates. Armed men ran hither and thither chased by the bellows of harassed officers. The palace itself was lit from top to bottom and blazed like a sparkling jewel in the night.

Citizens gathered thickly about the walls, staring in wonder at all the activity. Asgoleth grinned at her.

‘There are so many people looking for you that I think I might have to carve a path to the gates with my sword.’

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