Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,10

all, she counted six armed forms, saw the moonlight glinting off their steel, and then they were gone into the night, not knowing how close they had been to their prey.

For a time they stood where they were to let their pursuers get well away. Amira, as she stood there with his strong arm protectively around her, was amazed to find that in the company of this huge barbarian warrior she felt a delicious sense of security. Something primal within her was responding to his fierce masculinity and her head whirled in confusion. Her breath came in quick little gasps and her heart was hammering within her bosom though not now with fear of her enemies. Never had she felt anything like this before. She was frightened and yet wonderfully alive, all at the same time. She gazed up at him and found herself wanting desperately to go with him, wherever he might take her.

If he noticed her agitation he gave no sign. He released her and whispered,

‘Follow me now girl and be as silent as you can, come.’

He turned and led her off down the dark, evil smelling alley and the princess Amira, proud heiress of five hundred years of royal wealth and power, followed him as humbly as a slave girl would her master.

Through many such filthy lanes he led her and she marveled at the gliding stealth he displayed so naturally. She had always been deemed a graceful and elegant child but beside this man she felt like a clumsy tavern trull.

They encountered no more enemies during that stealthy journey and finally they saw ahead of them the lights of the eagle Road, the broad thoroughfare that led to the palace. Asgoleth halted, still within the protective shadows and peered out warily. The road was alive with people and wagons and horses and brightly lit stalls and shops all along its great length.

From behind his broad back Amira peered out in fascination at the busy milling throngs of people. This was the first time in her pampered life that she had been outside the palace walls without a squad of armed soldiers to protect her and she was amazed at the life that filled everyone. The delicious aromas of meat being roasted over charcoal fires reached her; so too the smell of strange spices and wines and freshly baked bread and her mouth watered.

She saw lovers walking arm in arm and she envied them their simple freedom. She heard men laughing and joking with each other and the raised voices of others who haggled over the price of goods on the market stalls even though it was late into the night, for here, in this brightly lit area, the merchants plied their wares as long as there were customers to buy them and they were seldom short of customers. From far and wide they came to the great city of Torr to seek their fortunes, secure in the knowledge that the borders of Torr were ever under the watchful eyes of stout hearted Torran warriors. Amira was dazzled by all that she saw and heard. After this momentous night, her life in the palace was going to seem very dull to her.

Suddenly the loud clatter of iron shod hooves rang out and Amira shrank back into the shadows as a squad of cavalrymen went thundering past. They were grim faced and more than one bore a snarl of anger on his face. People turned to stare in amazement at the commotion. Open mouthed they watched the horsemen as they swept by on their way to the city gates and the open country beyond.

Voices were raised in query and soon, another voice, growing louder as it approached from the palace, was heard.

‘The princess Amira has been kidnapped! The princess has been kidnapped!’

Cries of outrage and anger rang out and the crowds milled around in confusion. Then a young soldier, a captain of infantry, climbed up upon a vendors stall and cried out,

‘Citizens of Torr, hear me. You men form yourselves into groups of ten and start scouring the city. Look everywhere, whoever has done this must not be allowed to escape with our princess, move!’

The captain swiftly gathered a group around him and led them off towards the river. Other groups went off in other directions with loud cries of anger on their lips and soon the street was almost empty. Asgoleth grunted as he watched them go then he turned to look at Amira. He grinned at Copyright 2016 - 2024