Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,39

reached down and thrust my hands into his hair as he guided me into an unparalleled state. I was so gone.

I’d never had this type of sex, never been on the receiving end of a kiss like the ones he’d given me. I was too focused on what he was doing to give back and then it struck me. I was supposed to blow his mind. I lifted on my forearms and just as fast he pressed me back down flat with one hand. It was a silent order as he spelled out a sonnet with his tongue. Minutes later, I felt the sensation of falling and burst into flames as I moaned out an orgasm. It seemed to last forever as I trembled and shook beneath his mouth. His tongue never stopped its thrusts as his fingers pushed into me at a faster pace. He twisted them as he worked me to a frenzied peak again and pushed me over. Covered in a thin veil of sweat, I looked down at him as he kissed my soaked sex with the same gentle tongue he’d tasted my mouth with. Gently, he took one last sip and stood.

Barely recovered, I watch Rafe undress. I sat up to admire him. His long torso was etched with solid muscle, his stomach cut on the sides with beautiful indents. As he pulled down his jeans, I reached out to him greedily and gripped the solid muscle between his thighs in my hands. Every single part of him was beautiful.

Blow his mind, Alice.

I wet my lips and simply went for it. Seconds later, I heard his deep moan of appreciation as I tasted and sucked him just as thoroughly as he did me. I cupped zone four and pushed on zone five as I heard praise and curses drip from his throat.

Research really does pay off.

“Alice, Jesus,” he whispered as he gently pulled my head away after several minutes of unrelenting worship. I looked up to him, no longer afraid, my desire for him my guide. I lay back, legs spread, unashamed and fearless as he kept me captive with his eyes and fitted a condom he’d pulled from his wallet. Shadows danced from the large windows of the living room over our bodies just enough so we could see every part of the other.

He hovered over me, our eyes locked, as he gently pushed inside. Inch by inch, he filled me until I cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. I gripped his butt and kept him seated as I took a deep breath. Rafe captured my exhale with his tongue and began to move as I fell into rhythm with him.

Clutched together for several minutes, we both basked in the undeniable feeling of our bodies until Rafe pulled back and bit his lip as he watched my reaction to him. Unrehearsed, I let myself go as he pushed inside so impossibly deep I had no choice but to let him know.

“’re so deep.” I gasped as another sensation overtook me. It was one of intimacy as he swiveled his hips and sank in further. He pulled back just enough and then thrust in hard so the friction was overwhelming.

Dizzy with lust and bubbling with feelings, I begged for release as he soothed me with his body.

“Come with me,” he said as he beckoned me to obey. I fell apart with a loud cry as Rafe buried himself and gripped my hair. He tilted my head back as he let go, his eyes glued to mine as he spilled over.

Minutes later, we remained naked and wrapped in each other’s arms on his couch as his head lay on my chest and his fingers drifted over my skin. I feathered mine through his hair as he kissed me lightly on the side of my breast and then underneath it and continued over my stomach.

“Alice,” he whispered as neither of us moved in the quiet house that was only interrupted by the sound of our breathing. “I want you to be mine.”

“It was the sex,” I whispered back with a small smile he couldn’t see.

“No, it was the blow job,” he chuckled as I smacked his head.

“We’ll see.”

Rafe lifted his head and looked at me with a frown. “We’ll see?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll take a page from your playbook.”

“I don’t have a playbook.”

“Then I’ll think one up for myself.”

“That’s totally fucked up,” he said with a grin. “Challenge accepted.”

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