Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,38

his neck. Zone one. His eyes on fire, they perused me thoroughly as his fingers drifted a little higher up my leg before he turned back to face the road. I raked my fingernails through his hair and then slowly moved my pointer and thumb to his ear and massaged the lobe. He hissed through his teeth, and I saw it as encouragement. After a few minutes of lobe stimulation, I slowly moved my hand down to his chest and heard his exhale as his fingers brushed over my sex.

“Oh,” I moaned out as Rafe floored his Jeep.

“Alice,” he pleaded as I moved my hand underneath the hem of his shirt and rubbed as single finger along the edge of his jeans. He was noticeably hard, and I studied the evidence before I covered it with my hand and squeezed. Rafe coughed out an incredulous bark as he turned to me with surprised eyes.

“Alice, you have to stop.”

“I don’t think I will,” I murmured as his hand slipped into my panties and he found me soaked for him.

“Fuck...I’m going to kill us both,” he groaned as he pushed a finger inside me and my head tilted back on a gasp.

“Alice, spread for me,” he ordered as I did what I was told and was rewarded with another mind blowing stroke of his fingertips. My whole lower body began to shiver with awareness as he elicited nothing but sensation.

“I’m going to bury my tongue right here,” he said as he pushed another finger inside and my legs began to shake. I covered his hand with mine as I fell into a stupor. When he was forced to stop at a light, he withdrew his hand and leaned over and pulled my protest into his mouth as his tongue silenced me. I was on fire, lips and tongue not nearly enough. Rafe pulled himself away as his eyes pierced me.

“In five minutes, I’m going to make sure you understand just how much I didn’t want you to go on that date.”

“Rafe,” I moaned as my body buzzed with need.

“I want you. I want you,” he repeated as the wind blew through our open window and lifted my hair. “You are so goddamned beautiful, Alice.”

“Rafe,” I whispered and pointed. “The light,” I urged as he turned to face forward and floored it. We made it the rest of the way back to his place in silence, undeniable sexual tension brewing between us. Time stopped as he pulled up in front of a townhouse and got out of the Jeep with an order for me to wait where I was. I sat restlessly as I thought of the way my body burned under his touch. Panic ripped through me as I thought of all the things that could go wrong.

As he rounded the car and ripped open my door, he pulled me out to meet his lips, and all rational thought fell away.

He kissed me long and hard as he gripped my legs and wrapped them around him as he walked backward toward his door. On instinct, my body began to grind against his. Rafe tore his lips away once we were behind his door and fisted my dress. In one sweeping movement, he pulled it away from my body. I stood in my bra and panties as he kicked the door shut behind me and gazed over my form. He’d already seen me in next to nothing, yet I couldn’t help the small amount of anxiety that raced through me. He saw it whisper over my features.

“We can stop right now,” he said with a voice filled with sex, “or I can deliver on my promise.”

I unhooked my bra and let it slip down my panties as Rafe cursed under his breath. Seconds later, I was spread across his couch, his mouth on mine, his tongue a tool of worship. He backed away from my lips and landed hot, wet kisses down my chest as his finger found me again. I gasped as he took a nipple into his mouth. “I’ve been dreaming about this,” he whispered as he devoured one nipple and then the other.”

“Feels so good,” I murmured as he looked up at me with paralyzing eyes.

His mouth drifted down as he gently pulled my legs over each of his shoulders. Rafe dipped his head, our eyes locked, and darted his tongue out exactly where I needed it.

“Yeeesss,” I hissed as he circled me over and over with his tongue. I Copyright 2016 - 2024