Anyone But Nick (Anyone But... #3) - Penelope Bloom Page 0,89

try to get the details of our plan, but we decided we’d have to keep them secret in case he tried to warn his bosses. “It’s up to you. Believe it’s bullshit if you want and test us. Maybe you’ll lose your new, cushy job. Maybe you won’t. But I feel confident that you’ll be smart enough not to find out. Won’t you?”

“I don’t think you’d risk your reputation to get involved in something like this.”

“The reputation you ruined? Thanks for that, by the way. You didn’t really give me a choice, but I realized it wasn’t everything I made it out to be.”

“Miranda,” he said, changing his tone entirely. “You’re not really considering that, are you?”

I shrugged. “All I’d need is a little motivation. So maybe think really carefully next time you want to interfere in my life.”

Robbie gripped his pen so hard I thought the top was about to pop off, but I managed to keep from smiling smugly to myself until I turned to leave.



Six Months Later

I could hardly believe I was looking at the nearly completed version of Bark Bites Resort. I knew Nick had more money than he could spend in a lifetime, but it still made my heart swell to think he’d risk his reputation and his money on my idea like this. Nick met me at the dog-bone-shaped swimming pool.

He hugged me tightly and slid his hand behind my back in that possessive way he had, then kissed my neck.

I secretly liked the way Nick always made sure to mark me as his own when we were out together. He never seemed jealous or insecure about it. It was more like a simple statement of fact. This one is with me, so forget it.

I grinned at the thought. “You smell nice,” I said into his shoulder.

“You taste better.”

“Stop,” I whispered. “There’s a lot I have to show you, and if you start talking dirty, we’re going to end up in a janitor’s closet somewhere.”

“You say that like it’s a problem.”

I jabbed my finger in his chest. “You’re supposed to be looking over the pool with me to make sure we don’t have any complaints to take to the contractors.”

“You know, usually this sort of thing gets delegated to your underlings. I think having the vice president and CEO personally inspect a pool is a little overkill. Although they apparently didn’t think using a level would be a good idea when they did these pavers.” He knelt and pulled a coin from his pocket, then set it on edge and watched it roll down the slope of pavers that should’ve been flat.

“See?” I said. “This is why I brought you.”

“I just came for the ass,” he said.

“You better be talking about mine.”

Nick nodded to a worker who was bending down to work on some pipes a little way away. “Actually, I was talking about him.”

I slapped his arm. “Could you try acting like my boss for a minute so we can get this over with?”

“I actually meant to talk to you about that. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I don’t think I can let you work for me anymore.”

I laughed at first because I thought he was kidding, but he didn’t even smile. He just looked down at me with a grave expression.

“What do you mean?”

Nick sighed. “It’s just . . . well, I’ve never stayed on at a company this long after Sion acquired it before. Part of what I do is find a suitable replacement CEO to take over when I walk away from the company. And I’ve found someone who is perfect for the job. You.”

“Nick,” I said slowly. “As much as I want that—and I really do. But it’s too much. I can’t accept that.”

“Miranda, this isn’t a gift. It’s not some trinket I went and bought at the store to try to impress you. It’s a job that you earned. You earned the hell out of it. Just look around you. This whole thing was your idea. Your dream. So I want to give you the keys and the ability to know you made this. When it works, you’ll be able to know it was because you put it together and ran it as amazingly as I know you will.”

I blinked a few times, trying not to let the tears I felt stinging my eyes come. “For the record, there’s a lot of pollen out today.”

Nick pulled me into a hug. “Cry if you want to,” Copyright 2016 - 2024