Anyone But Nick (Anyone But... #3) - Penelope Bloom Page 0,88

around. It looks a whole lot better if the company you bought to score some pussy ends up profiting and creating new jobs, after all.”

“Oh,” I said. “While we’re on the subject. I needed to ask you two about something before I pull the trigger.”

Chapter 29


I stared at the stack of papers Nick had shown me and gave him a questioning look. We were in a hotel in LA again, but this time for an entirely different reason.

“You don’t think this crosses a line? Or maybe it’s just a little too petty?” I asked.

Nick frowned. “Of course it crosses a line. It’s also extremely petty. But he deserves it. And once you told me how worried you were about him still coming after us, I knew I needed to think of something to put your mind at ease. This will protect us. It’s perfect, as long as you can swallow the slightly questionable morality, that is.”

I pushed the stack of papers back and closed the pen Nick had given me. He’d spent the past few minutes explaining the complicated business workings that allowed him to perform a hostile takeover of Robbie’s new employer. He figured we could let Robbie know by firing him, and he wanted me to technically own the company so I could deliver the bad news.

“As much as I want to,” I said. “I don’t think this is the right move. What if we just show him that we’re capable of this? Couldn’t we make a threat and let that hang over his head so he’d be too scared to ever screw with us again?”

Nick grinned. “I thought you might mention that. And, yes, that would make more logical sense. I mean, if we nuke his career, all we’re really doing is giving him a ton of free time to think of something really stupid to piss us off. But if we blackmail him, he might just leave us alone forever. I’ll be honest, though. I really wanted to watch you fire his ass.”

“It is tempting.”

“You’re right, though. Let’s do it your way. Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to go by yourself?”

“As much as I’d appreciate the backup, I think I want this to be something I do on my own.”

Robbie’s secretary let me into his office a few hours later. He was waiting behind his desk with a smug look. He was still handsome, but the way he’d acted since our breakup made me see his good looks in a new light. He reminded me of the corrupt politicians you’d see in movies—sneering and gnashing their teeth in one scene only to smile for the cameras in the next.

“Miranda.” He stood, smiling and spreading his arms to hug me.

I put my hand up and motioned for him to back off.

Still smiling, he straightened his tie and gestured for me to sit. “I knew you’d come around eventually. Max really did run quite the story.”

“Actually,” I said, “I was here to let you know a few things. One is that I broke up with you for a reason. It wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t the kind of thing that you can change my mind on. I thought I could be with somebody who made financial sense and who would be good for my career, and the feelings would come all on their own. But that never happened.”

Robbie leaned forward with an irritated look. “Wait a minute. If you think all of this was about trying to win you back, you’re just flattering yourself.”

“Another thing,” I said, interrupting him, “is that Nick’s parents told me what you were planning when the Max Frost story didn’t work. Which is why I’m here today.”

“I have no idea what they are talking about. I haven’t spoken to his parents in ages.”

“I am here to lay this out to you, not to listen. So if you don’t mind, stop trying to make excuses and just listen to what I have to say.”

Robbie glared, but he sat back in his chair and watched me.

“So I decided you were probably going to keep trying petty, childish things to spite me. That’s why Nick and I worked up a plan to buy out Lockhart and Taylor. All we’d need is twenty-four hours, and we would have the power to fire you and anyone else we choose. We could shut the whole thing down, for all we care.”


I shrugged, standing up. Nick thought Robbie would Copyright 2016 - 2024