Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,63

for my club. I went to fucking college and dealt with dumbass frat boys and bimbo sorority girls who wanted a taste of the dirty biker life before they married some fucking suit. I've always thought long-term and not about how shit makes me look. I couldn't give a fuck about looking like some dangerous biker... I'm too busy being one.

The song changes and my attention shifts back to the stage as Angel walks out and the nerves are right there in every fucking line of that body of hers. She's practically vibrating with it and there goes my fucking control.

I stalk forward ready to reach down Diego's fucking throat and yank his spine out, but when Angel sees me coming something calms in her and the shaking stops.

Fuck if that doesn’t change something.

Hell, she might have flinched at me twice now but she’s still coming back for more. That has to count for something.

I decide right then and there that I want it to count for something.

Diego starts calling out at her and I wave Speck off when he starts cussing him out under his breath. I’m calm now, I’m thinking clearly and I know what I need to do.

“Don’t call him. I’ve got this under control.”

I motion at Mike to get him to bring Diego over to me. I’m not walking over to the cunt, he’s in my fucking bar.

Diego frowns and tries to snarl at Mike, only stopping himself from taking a swing at the bouncer when he looks up and sees me. He stalks over to me with a snarl on his ugly fucking mug.

“The fuck do you want, Callaghan? I’m trying to enjoy the show.”

I take a sip of my drink, all fucking casual, and say, “You’re welcome to enjoy the show but if you try to put your hands on one of my girls again you’ll be answering to me. You’re not going to enjoy that shit either.”

His lip curls up even more at me. “Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me what to do? She’s club property. I’ll fuck her if I want to.”

Over my dead body will this cunt touch her. “This is your last warning about my girls. That one dancing up there, you hurt her or scare her off? That's the income of this place cut in half. Means the extra cash we put through starts looking suspicious and it affects the club. You stay the fuck away from her or I'll be fucking dealing with you."

His face shifts, the disdain for me and my club clear, because he doesn't fucking deal with being told no. Not ever, he throws the spoiled fucking biker version of a tantrum.

Shedding blood and fucking with business.

"If she's dancing here she belongs to the club."

My jaw tightens and I take a step in towards him, ready to just fucking kill him and be done with it. Fuck, Luis would never forgive the club and it'd be war but fuck would it be worth it. Speak of the devil, he's heading towards us with a frown at the murder on my face.

"She belongs to the Coldstone charter. You touch her and you answer to us. Nothing your daddy can do to save you."

Luis stops at Diego's side and tips his head to me. "He'll leave her alone. Plenty of pussy for him to chase that isn't your money maker."

I nod at him and jerk my head towards Diamond at the bar. "All the other girls do extra, for fee or free, for the club. I'm not forcing our money maker and fucking with my business."

Reiterating to cover my ass because Diego is still eyeballing Angel and I'm going to rip his throat out with my bare fucking teeth like a savage if he doesn't quit it.

Luis nods and claps Diego on the back, "Plenty of hot pussy around for you to have, son. If she ain't playing then leave her be."

Diego's lip curls at me but I walk away from them both and find a seat in the front fucking row to watch the rest of Angel's dance.

Her eyes meet mine and her body goes from that smooth and fluid way she dances to languid and liquid, like molten fire trapped in the most fucking sexy body that’s ever existed.

The men around us quieten down a little and I know if I break her eye contact I’ll see them all taking notice of the change in her from hot piece of ass Copyright 2016 - 2024