Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,62

do between sets. I'll sort this out, don't even think about it anymore. Stop fucking shaking, Angel, I'll take care of him."

She takes this deep gulping breath that damn near takes my knees out but after another one she pulls away from me, her hands on my chest as she pulls away. They linger there like she doesn’t want to let go of me.

Two things set like stone in my head.

I’m fucked over this girl.

And Diego is fucking dead for scaring her like this.

I walk her out of my office, all the way over to the locker room and I wait until she’s locked in the bathroom there before I stalk back out to the bar.

I will kill that cunt.

I take a seat at the bar where I can watch Diego and what he’s doing at the front of the stage. There’s enough of the Shreveport charter here that I need to cool my fucking jets. I’m a good fighter but probably not good enough to take on sixteen men in public.

I need to call Rue down here now.

Two against sixteen is doable.

The minute she gets an eyeful of me Diamond huffs and shakes her head. "I told you having her here is a problem. You should tell your cousin to stop thinking with his dick and inviting trouble in all our lives.”

I give the jealous bitch a look and I watch as she gulps and scurries away. Just because I'm the friendlier Callaghan doesn't mean she can tell me what the fuck to do and from the moment Angel ‘struck me I’ve been on edge.

Diego is laughing and doing shots with a couple of the other Shreveport brothers. Luis is too busy talking business with Hell to give a shit about the girls or what his asshole son is getting up to.

Too bad.

Mighta saved Diego from getting his asshole torn open because I'm about to fucking ream him. If my threats aren't enough I'll actually gut him. I'm not in the mood for his bullshit and the only thing stopping me from walking over there and slamming his face onto the table until his nose shatters is knowing just how fucking persistant the cunt can be.

His obsession with Poe has everything to do with Rue and nothing to do with the kid herself.

So I can't show my hand here or I'll be dealing with a bigger problem. Fuck, his constant stalking of Posey when he's in town is beyond annoying, it's enough to know that someday I'll be helping Rue bury his body somewhere because Diego can't help himself. One day he'll strike and on that day, he'll be fucking dead.

The curse is a fucking powerful thing.

And my lovestruck cousin isn't going to fucking stop until Poe is safe, happy, and his. The kid just has to grow the fuck up first.

"Jesus. She came to you?" Speck says as he slides onto the barstool next to mine.

I nod and he grunts at me, "You might actually be winning her over."

I side-eye him as I take a sip. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, she came to you and not me. That's a first. She also didn't run screaming outta here and after what he said, that's what I thought would happen."

I set the glass down. "He touch her? Did he do anything except talk to her?"

He shakes his head. "One of the guys stopped him from following her onto the stage. Shoulda fucking known he'd be obsessed with her, it's like he knows when a woman belongs to a Callaghan."

It's the first time he's said that and my hackles haven't gone up.

She does belong to me. One way or another.

"I want to see what he does when she comes back out. I'll talk to him once I see it with my own two eyes."

Speck groans. "Should I call Rue and let him know we're starting a war here tonight? Just to warn him? Because you'll kill him. Fuck, I nearly killed him and she ain't even mine."

The rage in my system starts pumping until I'm sure it's replaced all of the blood in my system and now I'm fucking itching to beat the life outta that piece of trash. Nothing but a fucking clown, talks himself up but doesn't actually pull his fucking weight. He knows he's on the path for being president when Luis steps down but only because of his blood.

Fuck, I'm going to be on the Council someday because of my blood but I have done everything Copyright 2016 - 2024