Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,37

this weekend at the bar. They’ve booked out the back room, some old friend of his that goes way back.”

I know exactly who he’s talking about.

Jameson served in the Middle East with Axe, survived war together, and when they both came home with honors Jameson took over his family business down at the ports while Axe patched in with us.

Jameson is a big help with the guns we import.

Not that Speck would know about it, he’s not patched in and very few people actually know about Jameson’s involvement. We keep that shit under wraps.

“Why am I gonna care about some bachelor party? I’m happy Jameson is marrying Elizabeth, she’s stuck by him through all his PTSD shit. Good woman.”

Speck blows out a breath and scratches at the back of his neck. “They want some of the girls to go serve them. They have the back room and Axe wants to surprise him with a show.”


Jesus fucking Christ.

“I told him Mel or Farrah would do it but all the guys are fucking obsessed with Angel. Diamond’s in there trying to convince Axe that Angel ain’t worth the effort.”

Maybe I won’t kill the bitch.

The jealousy might come in handy this once. I don’t fucking need this headache today, not with some asshole out there still bleeding who tried to hurt her. I don’t fucking want her, but I don’t want her dead either. Not until… I know. Fuck. What am I thinking, I do know! Cuntstruck! She’s a fucking stripper.

I grab the second bottle of beer from Speck and take the side entrance, bypassing the bar altogether and getting straight into my room. I get my computer turned on as I walk through to wash the blood that’s dried on my hands.

Fuck, I shoulda killed him.

I should have fucking killed him for putting his hands on her. If I ever find out she’s seeing someone I’ll kill him too. I’ve never been the jealous type before, I’ve watched my cousin be fucking consumed by it and never wanted that shit for myself, but the thought of any motherfucker putting his hands on her again… Jesus, I need a fucking whiskey and a brawl to calm my shit down.

I don’t get the chance to look up the security footage.

“Church!” King bellows down the hall, and even through my closed door I hear it loud and clear.

I leave my shit behind, stalking straight to the chapel and taking my seat while the others all file in at a slower pace. Hellion joins me first, slinging himself down into his chair with a groan.

“We’ve got runs to get into,” he murmurs, and I shrug. It’s about time to get back into the real Unseen business. We’ve been leaving it to the lower members and other charters for too long thanks to King’s homecoming and now we have some leads on the fucking rats.

I glance back to see if Rue’s ass has made it in yet. I need him to come hunting with me after this shit.

Hellion sighs at me. “Is your head in this or not?"

I scoff and look up to meet his eyes. He's the only one not laughing and joking around, the caretaker uncle as always. "My head's just fine. I've just got some shit going on."

He shrugs. "I heard about the new stripper you're stalking. 'Struck or just enjoying a challenge?"

I let out a breath. It's the first time someone has noticed. Well, someone who isn't Rue and Speck. Those two don't fucking count, I spend every waking fucking minute with one of them. The joys of growing up in an open house for the lost boys of the Unseen. Between my cousins and the twins there’s always someone hanging around. It's always come in handy with keeping an eye on Trink but fuck if it doesn't make my skin crawl a little from all the eyes on me right now.

"It's not something I want talked about a whole lot. I'm not looking to settle down with trouble, no matter how hot the package is." Cole hands me a drink and I shoo him away. This isn't a conversation I want anyone overhearing.

Hell nods and drains his beer. "You need to let that bitch go. The curse is nothing but fucking trouble. Liza and Georgie proved that shit."

Liza would be Rue's mom. An addict and a shitty fucking human, she left when he was six and never once came back for him.

Georgie tried to take Speck with her when she left so Copyright 2016 - 2024