Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,36


The easy way he talks about death should be scary or exciting or... something. Instead, it just sounds normal. Like, of course he'd kill him for touching club property.

I never want to quit this job for that protection alone.

I watch as he drives away, he turns left and heads out to the suburbs which is kind of weird.

I go right.

I head to the inner city with the big parking lot I can park in and catch about an hour's sleep in. I have classes tomorrow and I have to find somewhere to catch a shower too, thanks to my night of terror sweating. I take a deep breath and decide to grab a hotel in the next town over for the night. Sleep all day, get my brain working again. It's not ideal but it'll have to do.

Chapter Ten


I call Rue from the road.

“You busy?”

He huffs down the line at me. “When am I not fucking busy? Diesel was too hungover to do his work today, told King he had family shit going on instead of admitting Monroe has him drinking himself to death, but Dave fucking backed him up when I was fixing to go break down his door. He’s a pussy-whipped little bitch who needs to start pulling his fucking weight before I fucking bury him. Where the hell are you, anyway?”

I scoff at him but the sound gets eaten up by the roar of my hog. “I might need a clean up. Stick around until I call you with an all clear.”

It’s something he’s said to me a hundred times by now, every last one of them over some dipshit looking sideways at Poe, but it’s the first time I’ve ever had to call him in like that. To warn him that I’m about to shed blood and he’ll need to come help clean it up.

“Fuck me, is she okay? Some asshole touch her again? If it was Mav, he’s here at the clubhouse. I’ll call his ass down here and get him warmed up for you.”

There’s a reason I’d take a bullet for him. I know he’d take one for me too, without a fucking question, and if some asshole is touching my woman he’s going to help gut the fucker with a goddamn smile on his face.

“It wasn’t Mav. Some asshole showed up at The Boulevard and forced her into his car. She didn’t call because Diamond is a pissy bitch to her on shift. I’m getting the security footage and then I’m hunting the fucker down.”

I don’t mention that I’d gotten a call from Speck saying he’d seen her get into the car and I’d lost my fucking mind. I’d gotten on my hog and torn off after them, ready to spill fucking blood. I’m already saying way too much over the phone, Rue could be standing in the garage with fucking anyone around, but I don’t care about that shit. Not at all.

I want that guy choking on his own blood.

Fuck, If I hadn’t been distracted by Angel’s freak out I would’ve killed him right there, taken his body out to the fucking swamp and left him for Cecee.

Something about seeing the woman who’s ‘struck you shaking like a fucking leaf messes with your head and your goddamn priorities.

Rue grunts. “Call me, I need to get rid of some of this fucking rage and ain’t nothing better than beating the shit outta some asshole tryna touch something that ain’t theirs to touch.”

I get back to the clubhouse and Diamond’s car is in the parking lot.

I don’t want to fucking see her but maybe I should fucking tear into her. Tell her the petty fucking jealousies that seem to have come over her don’t mean shit to me and my business and I’ll fucking gut her if she doesn’t stick to her goddamn job.


Maybe I should send Rue in for that conversation because I’m not feeling all that fucking diplomatic. I’m too fucking close to this and I’ll end up fucking killing the cunt.

I sit on my hog for a while to calm myself the hell down.

Doesn’t work.

The doors open and Speck stumbles down the stairs at me, two bottles of beer in his hands.

“Rue told me to give you these, might cool you down some.”

I swing my leg over but lean against the seat still. “It’ll take more than this.”

Speck nods and blows out a breath. “Yeah… I’ve got more shit that might send you off the rails too.”


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