Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,14

quit drinking, old man.”

He scoffs back. “You’re older than me, asshole, and you were a fucking pussy. Pacing yourself like a good little bitch.”

I shake my head at him, jerking my head at Monroe so she’ll bring us more beer. “I’m not trying to forget how fucking pussy whipped I am so I don’t need to drink as much as your sorry ass. Maybe you should take up yoga or something. Find your zen.”

The glare he sends me as he tips the fresh beer back would strip paint. “Fucking yoga. College ruined you, asshole, are you sure you wanna slum it here with us dirty bikers?”

I chuckle as I shake my head at his grumbling and clap him on the back as King walks out of the chapel and catches our attention, jerking his head at us to follow him.

Just us.

So not regular church then, fuck.

I leave the beer behind because if this is a family meeting and not a Coldstone one then shit has gone south again and I’ll need a clear head for it. Rue sighs and sets his down as well and I’m sure his head is fucking pounding without the hair of the dog.

“Shut the door behind you,” King says from the head of the table and Hawk is already sitting beside him with a cigar hanging out of his frowning mouth. Hellion is perched on his chair like he’s uneasy sitting there, papers spread out around him that he’s poring over like they hold all the secrets of the underworld.


“What happened?”

Hawk huffs and scratches at his beard. “Shipment is gone. Third one from the last set that we sent out the day King got home. There’s a pattern going on.”


Rue steps up to park his ass next to Hellion and starts scouring over the pages with him, cursing over what’s there. I sit next to Hawk and keep my eyes on King.

I want to know what he’s thinking about this shit more than I need to know the details right now. I need to know what sort of a Prez we’re serving under so I can plan out my own recon accordingly.

Vic’s death has told me a little, but not everything.

King’s eyes are intense as he slowly takes each of us in. The twitch in Hawk’s fingers as he flicks the ash from his cigar, Hellion’s piercing scrutiny on each and every document on the table, the frown on Rue’s face as he joins the dots together, and me.

The stiffness of my shoulders as I sit there and wait for his instructions. The death already etched into my face and the stillness of my body as I wait. I’m ready to shed blood for my club and to bleed for my family. Whatever the cost, I’ll pay it.

Rue starts fucking losing his shit and slides a page over to me, rubbing a hand over his face like he wants to scrub it off. Hellion grunts and leans back in his chair too, looking over at his brother-in-arms and blood as he waits for his decision on this shit too.

King says nothing, waits for me to see the evidence put forward.

I look over the note Rue’s passed over, the times and details, and it takes me a half second to see that there’s a pattern to where the information is coming from.


More specifically, the chapel itself because that meeting only had the senior-most members of the council, and the meeting with the route only had my blood which means someone has bugged the fucking place. I don’t know how they got that shit past us but it’s fucking serious shit.

I meet King’s eyes and he nods at me like we’ve come to an agreement. We have.

I’ll fucking find this surveillance.

“We gonna go ahead with the meeting? Even with the chance we’re being watched?” Rue says slowly, like he’s thinking real fucking hard about his word choices.

I keep my eyes on King and he nods. “We go ahead with the meeting and keep our eyes open. Keep our shit under wraps until we can sort out the shipments. We can reconvene later, make a plan once Tomi’s had a chance to go through the place.”

Hellion grunts and sweeps the entire chapel with his eyes like he’s got laser vision and will see whatever bugs have been planted. “Keep shit on topic with Luis, make sure none of our boys let anything slip. I’ll let Luis know too.”

I nod at him. We coulda really gone to town on Copyright 2016 - 2024