Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,109

have just slit your throat with it still on if I wanted you dead. Open your eyes, Jazmin.”


He knows my real name? I open my eyes and look over to find the Devil staring back at me.

The gas station attendant stares at the Devil like he's actually going to shit himself. The tattoos make it fairly obvious for anyone ever adjacent to the criminal world to know who he is. I remember the story of what he did to that MC in Indiana. My dad would talk about it all the time, talk about exactly what it is that could kill that many men and... shred them like that.

The going theory is a wood chipper.

I try not to think about it. My hands already have a tremble in them that won't freaking quit and I don't need a full blown case of the hysterics.

What if I piss him off and he decides to just kill me to get it to stop?


Stop thinking about it, Angel, hell!

He walks back over to the car and it really is uncanny, the resemblance between him and Poe. His eyes are the exact same shade and shape. The dark eyelashes and his brow... God, it's freaking terrifying.

I will never look at that sunshine girl the same again.

He opens the car door and slides in, handing me a burrito and a bottle of water. "They'll be here soon."

I nod and then stupidly ask, "Sorry, who?"

He looks out over the empty fields. "My sister. She's on her way to come take you home. I can't drive into Coldstone... I'm too recognizable."

I nod and carefully bite into my food, extremely conscious of not making a mess in his pristine car. It's like a freaking show car, immaculate. I doubt he eats in it.

He speaks without looking at me. "Poe eats in here all the time. She got cheese on the seats last summer.”



I still keep a careful watch on my crumbs and when I finish I open the car door to brush the crumbs off, right as another car pulls in.

It's a freaking Ferrari.

Okay, I know nothing about cars but I know a Ferrari when I see one and I'm sure Poe would pee herself in excitement over this car if she saw it with her own two eyes.

Then the passenger side door opens and I realize she's definitely seen it before.

Her sister gets out of the car.

Those exact same eyes, holy fucking shit.

Along with a hot blond guy and a hot dark-haired guy. Oh, and Blaise motherfucking Morrison.

"Holy fucking shit," I croak and the Devil tilts his head.

"I don't see the appeal but his music isn't my style."


Of course I'm sitting here discussing music preference with the Devil himself. Of course, because that’s not completely fucking insane.

He gets out and stares over at the guys standing by the other car, silent and completely terrifying.

Poe's sister walks over to me to crouch down and check the battered state my body is in. "Jesus, they got in some good swings."

I shrug. "It's not the worst I've gotten."

Her lips purse and she nods. "You'll live. Arbour can take a look, make sure there's nothing that needs more attention."

She straightens up and speaks to the Devil over the roof of the car, "Thanks for grabbing her. We would’ve been too late."

"I'm always happy to gut some Demons. You know that."

She shrugs. "Still, I know you were on a job and it was my turn to keep an eye out. I'm tempted to move Poe a little closer to the Bay."

He moves around the car towards her and the guys she's with all shift like they're uncomfortable.

"Coldstone is where she wants to be. I've tried to move her but she's not interested, I warned you the biker would get in the way.”

Oh shit.

Oh holy shit, that’s Rue they’re talking about for sure and I feel like I’m going to fucking puke at the dead tone in the Devil’s voice. He could just… walk into Coldstone and kill the biker for fun. For daring to catch his sister’s eye.

He could come kill Tomi too.


Keely, Trink, Hawk, fuck, any of the Callaghans, he could just drive his ass into Coldstone and take out the entire fucking MC to get his sister back if he wanted.

“Hey… hey, Angel, breathe. Breathe, ignore Nate being grumpy. He’s just twitchy about Poe being so far away from us while the Demons get fucking worse. No one is dying, kid. We’ve got a close eye on Coldstone.”

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