Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,108

the trunk so I barely notice when the brakes are slammed and the car comes to a screaming halt.

The music suddenly shuts off and I hear muffled talking from within the car, sounding a little like an argument.

Then the screaming starts.

Blood curdling, bone chilling screaming from fully grown men.

Even being in the trunk it sounds like a fucking horror movie, the kind of screams that come from the worst possible deaths. If there were literally anything in my bladder, I’d wet myself in terror but instead I lie there and tremble like a freaking leaf.

Is it Rue?

Hell, did Tomi come home to find me gone and go into some kind of fucking rage-fueled massacre?

When the screaming finally stops the silence is even worse. If it’s not the Unseen here to rescue me then that means I might be the next victim of… whatever the hell is happening here.

The trunk pops open and a squeal rips out of my throat that I can’t hold in.

I don’t recognize the voice at all when the man speaks. “I found her… yeah, I know the one… she’s beat up but breathing, bring your medic.”


Okay, that sounds positive I guess?

Then I’m lifted up, the arms around me like stone, and even if the voice didn’t tip me off I know for sure that I don’t know this guy because this just feels… wrong.

I’m in danger.

Even if this guy was sent by the MC there’s something not fucking right about this situation and I’m really fucking scared.

The man places me into a car and cuts the ties off of my wrists but he doesn’t take the blindfold off. I heard him talking to someone on the phone, I know he’s here to rescue me so why the hell hasn’t he taken it off?

“If I take it off you, I’ll have to kill you.”

Oh God.

Maybe the Unseen hadn’t sent him.

My hands shake and I clasp them in my lap, not at all trying to hide how fucking terrified I am.

The drive is smooth and the engine is a loud roar. It’s a muscle car for sure but obviously well maintained and he drives it like it’s on rails.

I sit there in silence and try not to weep, no idea how much time has passed before he speaks again.

“Why did you tell them to take you instead?”

I swallow and try to calm down a little, just enough so I can speak without stuttering and crying. “Posey is my friend… my only friend. She’s a good person, she’s kind and caring and she would always do anything to protect her friends but… she’s also pure. She’s innocent. Whatever those men were planning on doing to her… I couldn’t let them hurt her like that.”

The car is silent and I think that I’ve fucked up somehow.

Finally, he speaks again. “So you were going to die for her? Just let them gang rape you to death in her place?”

I gag on the bile in my throat, my heart racing and my entire body shaking. I manage to choke out, “Better me than her. I’m already fucking broken.”

He doesn’t answer that at all and the silence takes over the car again. I’m sure I’ve said something wrong, sure that I’ve fucked up and now I’m fucking dead.

At least he hasn’t seemed interested in raping me like the last guys.

At least I’ll die with Tomi being the last man to touch me.

There’s something comforting in that.

It’s Tomi and definitely not Paul.

The car pulls over and I take a deep breath. Either this is the end of the road or… it’s the end of my life. Better to accept that death with some sort of dignity.

The blindfold is removed and I squeeze my eyes shut a little tighter. Death it is then.

My teeth start to chatter, the shaking taking over my entire body. “Can you please just make it quick? Does my sacrifice for Poe buy me that at least?”

His voice is still lifeless, cold and blunt. “Posey is my youngest sister. I’ve killed a lot of people to keep her safe and I’ll kill you without even thinking about it if you endanger her life by telling people about me.”

I keep my eyes shut. “I wouldn’t ever do anything like that. I’m not ever going to betray her.”

He’s silent, no sounds except the flicking of a lighter and then I smell the scent of his cigarette. “I wouldn’t have taken the blindfold off if I thought you’d talk about me. Fuck, I would Copyright 2016 - 2024