Always Wrong - Xyla Turner Page 0,33

stroking into me, he whispered at one point, “Take my seed.” Then he said, “I can’t wait for that belly to get full with our child.” The one that had a sex tear, because that’s the only thing it could have been, was when he murmured while coming, “Our son will be here soon.”

Fuck me.

The man was good.

He swore that we conceived that night, but after that first miscarriage, let’s just say I had a bit of trauma about believing anything that I really wanted was actually coming.

Maxine was back from her honeymoon that next week, and I wanted to tell her so bad. We had lunch scheduled on Monday because Jacquez left on Sunday. We’d picked our favorite restaurant and ran up to each other when we both caught eyes. It had been soo long. I missed my friend, but I’d been too much in my own sex bubble to take notice until I saw her smiling and glowing face.

The hug lasted for so long and I knew why. She was in a sex bubble herself, but there was nothing like a good friend. A best friend.

“Girl.” I pulled away. “You are glow-ing!”

“Am I?” She looked me up and down. “Shit, you are GLOW-ING!”


“Stop.” I shook my head and hugged her again. “Wow, it’s good to see you. Now your honeymoon, you got to tell me all about it.”

“Girl.” She laughed and waved me away as we took our usual seats. “First of all, thank you. Second of all. Girl, I think I got a limp. Third, I’ll take this limp any day.”

We burst out laughing, because it was no secret that Noah Wolfe knew how to throw down. I don’t know if Max knew, but a few times they were in the office and it was loud. I know, because Gladys, the office manager heard it and well, you know how rumors go. It was a good rumor, but according to unidentified sources, he put it down, and she loved it. I was not mad. Never was. I got mine in. Well, I still did, just with one man—and check that out, I didn’t melt or turn to salt.

Maxine walked me through her honeymoon, the adventures and all of the pictures that they took. She looked so pretty and relaxed and had a nice tan. I was happy for her. God, I was. It also made me think of something that I never really wanted. A marriage of sorts. Yet it felt like I was entering into one with eyes wide open. The more I thought about it, I guess my face must have morphed into panic or just confusion, because Maxine asked, “Girl, what the hell is wrong?”

“Girl, I’m trying to have a baby with Jacquez!” I blurted without even thinking.

“Come again,” Maxine whispered while leaning in toward me. “Did I hear that right?”

She began to rummage through her purse and waved me to finish, as if she expected me to repeat myself. With two presses of a button, she nodded and said, “Say that again, Sheryl.”

“You heard me.” I lowered my voice. “Now come on with it.”

I turned my head because I knew Maxine didn’t judge me for my choice of no attachments. Yet, in this case, it would be my own words that she could use against me. That’s how I felt. All that shit, I was talking about being tied down and all those “she stupid” comments and I was being stupid. I knew it and wanted her to confirm.

“Wait until Noah hears about this.” Maxine was nearly coming out of her seat. “He owes me money. I told him y’all would get together in your own way. I told him, but he thought Jacquez was too much of a bachelor. Said the man liked his independence. Though he’s a family man. Takes care of his mother and all. I love it. I mean, love it. We can go on double dates and then take vacations together. It’s going to be so much fun. Oh, and I can even…”

“Wait, wait, wait,” I cut her off. “You’re not hearing me. I said he and I were coming together to have a baby. That’s it. There’s no relationship or anything like that. Just fucking and a baby.”

That was a bit harsher than I intended, but it stopped her right in those tracks of honeymoons and other things that did not pertain to me. Jacquez and I were a business deal and nothing more.

“Okay.” She nodded. “Tell Copyright 2016 - 2024