Always Crew - Tijan Page 0,87


He flinched, his eyes going over my shoulder for a moment. “I know. I don’t like it, but Aspen’s been through enough shit.”

“What’s the favor you want?”

“Aspen and her girls are doing a girls’ night next weekend since this one didn’t pan out. Jade’s cool. She’s got her eye on your boy, so they might ask you to join them. I know your history with female friends is spotty, but could you join them? I have a feeling Veronica is going to take them to a party, and I’m still worried about Aspen. Harper was pushed out tonight, but I don’t know if it’ll stick. He’s got some loyal friends in the house. They might push to get him back in, and if Veronica takes the girls to one of their parties, I won’t be there. You get what I’m saying?”

Fuck. “Payback?”

He nodded, his eyes flaring for a second. “Yeah.”

I already knew what I was going to say, but sighed and nodded. I knew I’d say yes the instant he mentioned Aspen’s name. Soft spot and all. “You know I will.”

He grinned, taking his card back and gathering up the shoes. “I know, but I wanted to give you a heads-up about what you might be walking into.”

I gave him a hard look back. “Right. Thanks for that. How’d you know we were here?”

“I have my ways.” That was it.

He laughed before giving me a nod and going to join the group.

I watched, noting that Blaise sat across the two lanes from Cross. Neither looked at the other, and neither spoke to the other. Jade and Veronica, on the other hand, totally talking to Jordan.

“Do I even ask?”

I turned back to my boss and shook my head. “No. We’re kinda stuck with him.”


The words had been rolling in my gut since my brother shoved his way through the crowd, and especially since everything that went down earlier today.

I didn’t like it. Not a bit.

And I needed to let him know, but it hadn’t been the time then.

It hadn’t been right when we got to the bowling alley, either, when Blaise showed up with his friends. Jade got Jordan’s number and asked where we were, so I knew he’d be showing up.

The girls were enjoying themselves. Jordan was enjoying them, too.

So, for them, for Jordan, I kept quiet. I waited.

But now, seeing my brother take a phone call and dart outside, I was done waiting.

Cool, calm, smooth, I took my bowling shoes off and put on my regular ones.

The only person who noticed was Bren, and when I looked up, her eyes were speculative. She looked at the door, and I gave her a small nod. She raised an eyebrow, and this time I was the one signaling to her that I didn’t need her help.

She nodded, settling farther back in the chair to keep score. Zellman wasn’t here, so she filled in. Jordan was too busy flirting. Me and Bren, though, we were good bowling, enjoying each other’s company, grazing arms and hands as we moved to go bowl and come back. Blaise noted the touches, his eyes darkening as he watched his own woman, but Aspen was having fun. She was laughing at Jordan, and her face was glowing being around her friends.

I knew it was killing him to see how I was touching my woman, and he had to refrain from touching his.

I enjoyed the torture, but it was time to stick another knife in his gut, metaphorically speaking, and I moved across the lobby, keeping to the shadows to not draw attention to me.

Jordan’s laugh cut out behind me.

I looked back. He was watching me, but Bren moved. She said a few words and he nodded to her, then to me.

I ducked out through the door.

My brother had moved out into the parking lot, but I saw his phone’s light and he was saying in a quiet voice, “Yeah, Mom. No. We’re good.” A pause. “I promise. Yeah.”

I could hear Marie saying her goodbye. Blaise reciprocated, then hung up, stuffing his phone into his pocket as he started back to the front door.

I moved back against the building, just shy of the front entryway.

He came across me, moving forward when I moved.

I grabbed his arm, throwing him back against the wall, and I shoved him the rest of the way, jamming an arm up against his neck.

My brother stilled, then snapped alive. He was fighting, trying to shove me off, but I was ready. I knew Blaise Copyright 2016 - 2024