Always Crew - Tijan Page 0,86

second before she stamped it back down. “Too bad you and your brother are taken.” She looked at me. “I know you’re friends with Tab. I’ll tell her myself, but maybe it’d be good if she heard from you as well. She’s welcome back anytime. We’ll all have her back. There’ll be no judgment or shame in our house, not when it comes to one of our sisters.”

I nodded.

She dipped her head down before turning. She and her sisters left after that.

Then it was Blaise and the rest of us.

Cross and I had been holding Jordan back. He’d been moving in, closer and closer as that whole conversation happened, and sharing one look, both Cross and I stepped aside.

Jordan was through in a flash, and he punched Blaise, a clear hit across the face.

“What the hell?”

Jordan stood over him, seething. “You knew that shit for twenty-four hours and didn’t tell me? Fuck. You.” With that said, he left.

Cross and I followed.

From: Tazsters

To: Cain Group, Blaise DeVroe, Aspen Monson


Aspen called me and told me the truth. The dirtbag was never Zach, or Zeke (who I thought it was), but Tim Harper. I hate all y’all. I’m kidding. I think Tabatha told me the real name, but I kept thinking it was Zeke that we were all hating. Okay. I feel like I’m there with you guys now.

By the way, Bren texted me that you’re all going bowling. I’m sending my twin a gift.

Payback’s a twin, hmmm?



We went bowling.

The lanes were packed, which I noted to Brock as he checked us in. Trundle was there, but helping someone else.

He handed over our shoes, saying, “Yeah. Some pics of your group got on social media. It’s been a slow trickle since then, but you’re right. We’re doing good in the bowling business again.” He gave a short laugh. “Should probably think about fixing the sign outside and repaving the parking lot.”

I grinned, taking my shoes and handing out the rest. “I kinda like the Coug r Lanes, myself.”

He chuckled, then nodded to the guys as they moved to where we’d be bowling. “You doing okay? Your head. Ready for tomorrow?”

I was supposed to go out in the field tomorrow. I knew they were planning on tracking down two jumps.

I nodded now, everything inside of me getting tight, but solid tight. Like I was finally ready tight. “I’ll be fine. I’ve had concussions before. That guy knocked me from behind. I’ll watch my back from now on, better.”

Brock’s grin turned grim. “You and me both. We shouldn’t have left you alone. That’s half on us, too.”

The door opened, and I looked over my shoulder, then did a double take. Blaise was coming in, his arm around Aspen, and the rest of Aspen’s friends were filing in, too. Her roommate, whom I’d met a couple times now, Jade. Then the floormates: Veronica and Angeline.

Jade’s gaze went right to where Jordan was picking up a bowling ball. She swallowed, taking a tiny breath.

Blaise came over, his arm lifting from Aspen’s shoulders as she and her friends went right over to where Cross and Jordan were.

Cross saw them and looked at me. His eyebrow raised. He was noting where his brother was, and I shook my head at him. I didn’t need him at my side, not for this one.

Blaise noticed the little exchange and laughed under his breath as he moved in next to me. But he didn’t say anything.

Not me. I started right in. “Your brother punched him because he worried you were going to start in and not be able to stop. He did that for you, ya know.”

“I know.”

He sounded cool and calm now, but my pulse was spiking. “Why shove him? Why throw that in his face?”

Glancing at Brock, who was standing there, Blaise sighed and turned back to me. “My relationship with your boy is complicated. You know that.”

“I know you’re a dick. That’s what I do know.”

He shrugged, saying to Brock, “We’ll do a lane by them. Five of us, six, maybe. Maybe three games?”

“Zeke?” I asked.

He skimmed a look at me before handing over his card to pay, telling Brock the shoe sizes that were needed. “Can I ask you for a favor?”

I should’ve been surprised, but I wasn’t. Not at this point, not with this guy.


“Aspen doesn’t know that Harper did something. I kept that under wraps from her.”

I rolled my eyes. “Aren’t you Mr. Honesty? That’s holding the truth from your Copyright 2016 - 2024