The Alpha's Nanny - Sam Crescent Page 0,3

of you.” She lifted up and kissed her cheek. She loved taking care of this little girl.

Even throughout the night. She had a bedroom right next to the girl’s so whenever she woke up, she was within a few steps to comfort her. Again, she’d yet to see the alpha during the night, but it wasn’t like she wanted to ever see him, nor be alone with him.

He killed people. Like her.

She refused to end up on his shit list.

Had he killed some of her people?

They were not her friends. She still had the bruises on her body to prove it and even if he decided it wasn’t working out, they would likely beat her to death.

She didn’t know how much time had passed and so she held the baby as she got to her feet, making her way inside.

The alpha was looking in the fridge when she arrived.

“I’m not late, am I?”

“No,” he said, lifting up and pulling out a can of soda.


Again, silence.


She rubbed the baby’s back and tried to think of something to say to fill the quiet, but nothing came to mind. Rather than try, she decided to walk into the sitting room. The curtains were drawn and lights were on.

The doorbell rang and she made no move to get it as per his instructions. See, she could handle this, taking care of the baby. No biggie.

Minutes later, the alpha came into the room.

“You’re to try these clothes on,” he said, holding a large trash bag in his grip.

“Oh,” she said, getting to her feet. “Will you take her?”


“She had a feed not long ago and I like to make sure it settles before putting her down.”

He looked at the baby and finally, after a short hesitation, took her.

“Thank you.” If the baby was his kid, why did he hesitate?

“Try the clothes on.” He shoved the bag at her and she took it. Without another look back at him, she quickly rushed upstairs.

You don’t know his name.

She paused on the stairs. Thinking of him as the alpha was getting old real fast. She didn’t want to not know who he was.

“What’s your name?” she asked without turning around.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I work for you. You know my name. It’s Winter. What’s yours? I don’t think you want me to keep thinking of you as the alpha?”

“That’s exactly what you’re to think of me,” he said. “Alpha, sir, master, it is who I am to you.”

She nodded. Why did she think for even a second he’d be reasonable?

“Or, we can keep things civilized and you can call me Rocko. Isn’t that what you like, prim and proper? To keep civility in place?”

“There’s nothing wrong with being nice.”

“I know, but there’s also nothing wrong in not conforming to what you people like to do. To let go. To be free. Go on, little woman, go and try on your clothes. This conversation bores me.”

She gritted her teeth and marched upstairs.

Anyone else, she’d tell him to fuck off, to leave her alone. He wasn’t just anyone though. No, he was her judge, jury, and executioner. Her life was literally in his hands.

Stepping into her bedroom, she opened up the trash bag and poured the clothes out onto the floor. They were in need of a serious iron all over them, but she noted the majority of the clothes were dresses. Summer ones. Lifting up a beautiful, floral blue, she smiled. It reminded her of a time when she still had her parents, and they still advised her to believe in the best of people. They weren’t monsters and they wanted her to be the best she could be. By not fighting, she knew they would be proud of her.

She would always make them proud. Even if there was a certain man downstairs who deserved a slap, she wouldn’t justify hurting him.

Time to get changed.

Chapter Two

The baby in his arms was a sweet girl. Rocko couldn’t deny that. She was pretty, with amazing blue eyes. No hair yet, but vulnerable.

He didn’t want to kill this baby. Even his wolf had this need to protect. When it came to humans, he always wanted to kill. Winter and this little girl were the only exceptions to the rule. He didn’t want to hurt them either. In fact, he wanted to protect them.

Minutes passed, or maybe it was close to an hour of him holding this human girl when Winter finally made an appearance.

“Why aren’t you wearing new clothes?” he asked. Copyright 2016 - 2024