Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,61

copy of their Holy Scriptures, something she says is rare. Basically, it’s a book. A rare book.

Strangely enough, I can read it! Even though the language looks like a cross between cursive and Egyptian hieroglyphics, I’m able to understand it. I feel like I’ve entered the Twilight Zone!

For a while after they left, that’s what I did. Read. But now, my body is fidgety as I wait for Kaneer to return. It’s been hours since I’ve seen him, and I crave him… and his scent.

The new linens on the bed are soft, clean and beautiful, but they don’t smell like him yet. What am I saying? It’s pretty fucked up. If someone had told me even a week ago that I’d be obsessed with his odor and sex… what in the world has been done to me?

Fingering the scar at the back of my head again, I can only assume that whatever alien or entity brought me here has a plan. Too bad they forgot to tell us about it. From the sounds of it, Gail is just as confused and in the dark about exactly why we’re here as I am.

According to Pup, we both need to spend time meditating, and we have to trust our hunches. He said that all the Omegas are like keys to a puzzle, with skills and resources that will save Alta. Save their world!

That’s some pretty heavy shit. I’m really not sure what to make of the whole situation, but I know that I want to leave here. Where we are—not Kaneer. I’ve wanted to go and search for the other women since the time I hit the ground, and the sole thing that thwarted me from that goal, was Kaneer.

Kaneer who caught me and claimed me. Kaneer who can make my entire body shiver in anticipation with just the sound of his voice or his scent. I don’t want to leave him, so this has worked out better than I could have hoped for.

The only thought that really worries me is, does he feel the same? I mean, yeah… he undoubtedly has no more of a choice in the matter than I do, right? It’s some kind of alien instinct.

I didn’t choose to come to Alta and be their world’s savior any more than the other five women probably did. But according to Pup, that’s what our arrival here is all about. It boggles my mind!

Unbelievably, I smell Kaneer this time before I see or even hear him. With the fresh linens on our bed, his scent doesn’t surround me like it normally does, and I can easily tell when a fresh, stronger wave of his scent reaches my nose. It’s like I’m some kind of bloodhound now!

Throwing back that flap of the tent, he steps into the low lantern light, his eyes coming to me immediately. My pussy clenches in anticipation as I take in his broad shoulders, shrugging off a cape he must have thrown on because of the cooler evening. It’s just the first garment he throws off as he stalks over to the bed, unbuttoning the multi pocketed vest he wears and letting it fall behind him somewhere.

I’m on my hands and knees as he reaches the edge of the bed, and he begins to unwrap his skirt, like he’s unwrapping a present for me on Christmas. I’m so ready! I smile, licking my lips in anticipation. Right now, he’s at just the right height for me to stick out my tongue and lick the bead of pre-cum from the tip of his cock.

“Sunny!” My name hisses from his lips as his chin hits his chest, and he watches me with heat in his eyes. His nostrils flare as I moan around the tip, unwilling to release him while flicking the tip of my tongue back-and-forth on the underside of the silky skin. Ravenous for him, I suck him deeper, moaning louder as he spurts at the back of my throat. Once, twice… and I’m reaching to grab the base of him when suddenly he steps away.

I almost fall forward, but he steadies me by grabbing my shoulders while I whine. “Where are you going?”

“I need to taste you this time. Now that it’s been confirmed, I keep being asked what does an Omega taste like. I want to make sure I’m giving the correct answer.”

Scrunching my nose, I give him a dramatic frown. “You’re not really talking about our sex life with other people, are you?”

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