Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,21

almost run into Kaneer’s back as he pauses. Sniffing loudly, he veers to the left, traveling further up the edge of the large trees. My body seems to protest the direction as we retrace my steps. What’s he doing?

Kaneer continues to sniff occasionally, and my first thought is that he has allergies. Pascel doesn’t attempt to continue our conversation as he drops back behind me, and I notice he has a slight limp. We walk into the woods single file.

My legs, originally protected by the jumpsuit pants, are now being scratched and tickled by the vegetation that grows low under these mammoth trees. Falling back so I don’t get hit with any ricocheting branches, I watch Kaneer as he unerringly follows my original footsteps out of the woods. With just his nose, he acts like a bloodhound, working his way through the trees.

What can he be smelling?

On a whim, I take a deep breath myself, astonished at the plethora of things I pick up. From the dirt on the ground to the surrounding vegetation, I’m stunned at how well my own nose seems to work. Something out here smells really fantastic. Rich and strong, with a hint of a coffee...

Swinging my head from left to right, I try to determine what it could be. My hair whips across my mouth, and I realize that what I’m smelling is me. Grabbing a hunk of my hair trailing down my back, I hold it up to my nose, sniffing the scent of… I’m not sure. But something smells really yummy.

Flipping more of my hair over my shoulder, I run my fingers through it until they snag. Holding my palm to my face, I realize that my fingers have caught in some dried cum. Gross!

But as I’m untangling my fingers from my hair, I realize that’s what I’m smelling. Kaneer’s ejaculate smells like Christmas pudding, chocolate brownies, and Starbucks all wrapped into one great dessert. Scrunching up my nose, I bunch my hair below the offensive spot and bring it in closer to my face again, sniffing deeply.

What the hell? How’s that even possible?

A large, hot hand wraps around my elbow, jerking me from my thoughts. Looking up, I see Kaneer staring at me strangely. “You need to keep up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Dropping my hair, I stop moving, tugging against his grip. “Why don’t you just leave me here?” I can’t help my smart mouth as I smirk at him.

He doesn’t think it’s funny. Instead of answering, he picks me up and holds me against his chest. Keeping my body ramrod straight, I’m given a birdseye view of the surrounding area since he’s tall enough to see over the low-lying bushes. This area of the forest is not entirely flat, so I can’t see very far in front of us, but it doesn’t take long before I see the clearing where I originally stopped in the small craft.

As we break into the larger spot, I hear Pascel suck in a breath in astonishment. “Is that what you saw?”

It’s actually somewhat difficult to see the little flying pod as it hovers a good fifty feet in the air. It’s still way lower than the trees, but the reflective exterior seems to pick up the maroon-ish purple foliage and use it as camouflage.

Lowering me to the ground, my body slides against Kaneer’s chest, eliciting a full-body shiver. I don’t know how he affects me like that, but my lower belly has begun to ache and throb. I’m not sure if its period cramps or if I need to eat… or God forbid, go to the bathroom. I forget all about that though, when Kaneer bends down, getting right in my face to demand, “You need to bring that down here right now!”


- Kaneer

I’M RELIEVED WHEN Pascel joins us because I’m afraid if I was left alone with her much longer, I’d be throwing her down on the ground to pound between her legs no matter how much she protested. She smells so incredible, and it appears like our combined juices have made her even more enticing to me. Trying to ignore Pascel’s male scent, I lead them deeper into the praline trees, retracing her steps.

How she got as far as she did is beyond me. She just seems so… incapable. I can hear her stumbling behind me in her strange foot coverings and making more noise than any animal. How has she survived alone?

She must have been quite sequestered underground. Her being out here Copyright 2016 - 2024