Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,20

even manage to pull it onto my back. “I’ll hang onto this for now. Let’s get moving.”

Well, that limits my options! I’m not going anywhere without the food and water that bag holds. Not that I stand a chance by myself out here…

Let’s be realistic here. I can’t survive on my own out here. I have no idea where I even am or where I should go!

At this point, I don’t think this big alien guy is going to just let me walk away. If all his spouting about “claiming” and “mine” mean the same thing in his language that they do in mine, I should just play along. What better way to figure out the lay of the land—literally.

Instead of going toward the edge of the cliff that he just came up, he walks back along the perimeter the way I traveled. I don’t really have much choice but to fall into step behind him, wondering where he plans to take me. Even though there are a multitude of questions tumbling through my head, I keep my mouth shut. Glancing at my boots, I’m just thankful he didn’t take them. I didn’t see an extra set of shoes inside that bag, and he isn’t wearing any.

“What did you do with the flying craft you were in?”

He turns around, walking sideways and staring at me. I’m taken aback by the question, my mouth opening and shutting briefly. So, he saw me arrive. Then he must know I’m not from here!

“I left it in the woods. You know I’m not from here, right?” Even though I’m trying to talk slowly, wrapping my tongue around the strange syllables that I’ve never spoken before, he gives me a funny look.

“Yes.” He swings back around, watching where he’s walking as he cuts in front of me. I study his almost waist-length hair as it tumbles down his back in unruly waves. He has nicer hair than me. “You’re going to tell me exactly where you came from. Will there be a low dweller settlement expecting your return?”

Low dweller settlement? I’m totally confused by his question, and when he glances back at me, I just shake my head. He must think I’m from somewhere around here, and considering I’ve no idea how I got here or how to get back, I might as well play along.

What can it hurt? He is some serious eye candy. I’ve never seen someone in person whose physique rivals actors like Chris Hemsworth.

His mouth firms as if he’s tasting something unpleasant as he stares at me, like he knows I’m not being truthful. Just as his mouth opens to say something, I hear an unfamiliar voice calling out over his head. “There you are! Did you get her?”

Stepping to the side to peer around him, I see the much smaller, lighter-skinned man that had been climbing up the embankment earlier waiting for him. When he doesn’t answer, we keep walking until we’re within ten feet. The new guy's nostrils flare. Sniffing loudly, a smile crosses his face. “I see you did… and claimed her. Perfect.” His eyes roam up and down my body before he blurts out, “What is she?”

Not even glancing at me, my captor throws a disdainful look at me. “Someone who’s spent too much time underground.”

I look back and forth between them. As much as I want to argue, what’s the point? They’ve already made up their minds about me.

Nodding his agreement, our new companion steps over next to me when the big guy doesn’t even hesitate or stop. “I’m Pascel. What’s your name?”

Not wanting to be rude, I answer automatically. “Sunny. Sunny Cavanagh.” At least he asked. My adoptive parents would be proud when my manners kick in, and I hold out a hand naturally.

Pascel jumps back like I just tried to hit him. When I don’t move closer, his shoulders relax. He’s definitely a lighter shade of purple then my new captor…

“Kaneer told you... you’re claimed, correct?” Claimed by… Kaneer? It almost rhymes. That’s his name, huh?

Shrugging, I glance up at the man we’re following. Kaneer. Well, he already ‘came’ all over me, but didn’t mention the ‘claim’ part. He forgot to tell me his name, but I didn’t ask or tell him mine either.

“Oh, she knows.” The words are growled from in front of me, causing a shiver to run down my spine and right down to between my legs. How does he do that?

Our course has angled back into the woods, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024