Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,69

in the world I’m going to keep that promise to her.


What am I doing? I know I should walk out that door and never come back. There’s so much we don’t know about each other. Heck, there’s so much about me that he doesn’t know, and he’s going to be upset when he finds out.

But I can’t help myself. The thought of being in his arms is enough to make me go against every conservative thought in my head. I shut the bedroom door and turn back to him.

He sits on the edge of the bed and takes off his boots. I stand there watching him. When he’s done, he takes off his shirt and the sight of his naked torso has me rubbing my legs together and the friction makes it feel even more unbearable.

He has a tattoo on his ribs and I want to see it up close, see what it says. I take a step toward him and he walks around the bed and pulls the covers back. “I can sleep in my pants if that will make you feel better.”

I look between him and the bed. I know he’s a gentleman. I know if I wanted to lie in his arms all night he would let me. But that’s not what I want. I want to be close to him. I want to feel him inside of me, his arms around me and I know I can’t stop it…not now.

I don’t answer him. Instead, I slowly start taking off my clothes. He stares at me in awe, and it gives me the courage to finish what I started. I pull off my bra, trying to ignore the fact that even though I’m young, my large breasts probably aren’t as perky as he’s used to. I pull my panties down my legs and I want to hide the soft swell of my belly and my thick thighs, but I don’t. When I get up the nerve, I look at him and I’m glad I do because the look on his face tells me everything I need to know.

He wants me.

His hand goes down to cup his hard cock in his pants and he shifts, trying to make himself comfortable.

I take a step toward him, but he takes a step back. My eyes flick up from between his legs to his face. “Luke, if you don’t want…”

His once stiff body softens. “Oh, I want you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything else. But honey, if you put your hands on me, it’s going to be over before it’s started.”

I cock my hip out and put my hands on my hips. His words touch me and urge me on, making me more determined that this is the right thing for me to do. “Well, then, how do you expect us to, you know…”

He clears the distance between us and I can feel his hard body pressed against my soft one. His chest raises with every inhale and I meet him breath for breath. I arch my back, pressing my hard nipples against him, loving the feel of his rough skin and the hair on his chest as it caresses my aching peaks.

“Luke?” I ask him with surprise in my voice.

A tremor goes down the length of my body and I say his name, wondering how he can make me feel this way without even touching me.

He raises his hand and cups my breast and there’s no stopping the moan that leaves my mouth. He covers my lips with his and swallows my cries as his other hands slides between us and he strokes his finger through my slick folds.

He breaks the kiss only to say to me, “Fuck, Carly, you’re so wet.”

I reach for the button on his pants and start tugging them off, sliding them over his slim hips, tugging them off his feet.

I sit on my knees on the carpeted floor and look up at him. His hard cock is right there, right in my face and the temptation to reach out and grab what I want is too hard to resist.

I wrap my hand around his girth and kiss the tip of his hardness. He sucks in a deep breath and I revel in the feeling of being in complete control. His hands tangle in my hair and he holds me to him.

I open my mouth wider, taking him in as far as he can go. When I feel him hit the back Copyright 2016 - 2024