Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,68

me in the eye. I peek down the hallway and see Anna still working on her room. Walking over to Carly, I reach for her hand. “You okay?”

She nods her head, but doesn’t look at me.

I tip her chin up and force her to look at me. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

She shakes her head at me. “Nothing’s wrong. Don’t you have to go to work?”

Nodding my head, I tell her I do. “It will probably be midnight before I get home. But I know it’s going to be a slow night.”

She smiles out the corner of her mouth. “A slow night is good, right?”

I just shrug my shoulders. “Not really. It just means I know you’re going to be here sleeping in my apartment and I won’t be here. That’s why it’s going to be slow.”

Her eyes lift to mine then and I know she wants to ask me something. “But… we just met.”

I shrug my shoulders. I know it’s crazy. But I’ve never felt this much attraction to someone this quick before. I just want to hold on to it. “I know… it’s fast. I know we just met, but I want to see where this goes. I want to get to know you better.”

The smile on her face then about brings me to my knees. I can’t resist reaching in and claiming her lips. As soon as we touch, her gasp opens her mouth to me and I sweep my tongue in to taste her. Her hands slide around my waist and I cup her cheeks in mine. I angle her face to deepen the kiss, until all I’m thinking about, all I want is her.

The only thing that drags me away from her is knowing that Anna is in the other room. Then I pull away, holler bye to Anna and then kiss Carly one more time with a promise to see her later.

I want to ask her to sleep in my bed, that the thought of her being there will get me through the night, but I don’t. I can tell she’s unsure already and I don’t want to put more pressure on her.



It was a long night and I’m finally home. I’ve already checked in on Anna and she’s fast asleep in her room. Carly is asleep on the couch and I’ve been sitting on the coffee table for a good ten minutes watching her. She’s breathtaking. I know I should wake her. I know she probably wants to sleep in her own bed, but the thought of her leaving stopped me.

I reach over and brush her hair away from her face. “Carly,” I whisper.

She doesn’t move.

I try again. “Carly.”

She jerks then, her eyes wide open, staring back at me.

She starts to get up, but I stop her. “Wait.”

Her body stills and she looks at me under hooded eyes. “Are you okay?”

I nod my head at her. “Yes, I just don’t want you to leave.”

Her smile is quick and she sits up, letting her legs hang off the couch. From where I’m sitting, her legs are sandwiched in mine. I scoot to the end of the table, trying to get closer to her. Wanting to feel her against me.

I cup her cheek, running my thumb across her soft skin. “I want you, Carly.”

She covers my hand with hers. “You don’t even know me.”

Because I can’t fight it anymore, I lean closer and kiss her gently. “I know enough.”

She tips her head to the side and she’s looking at me like she’s trying to solve the world’s problems. It’s heavy, whatever’s on her mind, but before I can ask her about it, she says, “There’s things you don’t know about me, Luke.”

I shrug my shoulders. “I’ll find them out when you want to tell me.”

She stands up then, and I have no choice but to stand too. I grab on to her hand and she looks down at it. I know she’s going to leave, she’s going to walk out of here, but man, what I wouldn’t do to keep her here a little longer. “Stay…”

She gasps and I rush to say, “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. I would be happy just to hold you all night.”

I know my words surprise her, but nothing shocks me more than the words that come out of her mouth. She nods her head. “We’ll have to be quiet.”

Her face flushes and she pulls me down the hall. I follow her, my dick already hard, wondering how Copyright 2016 - 2024