Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,48

my mind since I got the call about his wreck. He has done so much for me and this is how I repay him. I can’t help but wonder if our argument from earlier had him preoccupied and if that’s not the reason he wasn’t able to avoid the accident. Remembering the hurt on his face has my legs about to buckle now. I stroke my finger lightly down his cheek. He moans softly and I still. He doesn’t open his eyes and I pull my hand away quickly. He wouldn’t want me to touch him. He actually wouldn’t want me to see him like this.

I clench my eyes shut, thinking of the horrible things I said to him that I didn’t mean. He has complete control of my inheritance. He was supposed to be using that money to help me live on, but he doesn’t. He spends all of his own money. I’ve talked to him about it over and over, but he never listens to reason. Today was the first time that I point-blank told him I wanted my money. I cringe as everything I said plays back in my head.



Two hours before the wreck

I went to the hospital this morning to meet him in his office. I had scheduled an appointment with his nurse because I wanted it to be an official meeting. I didn’t want to do it over our weekly dinners together. I was sitting there waiting for him, trying my best to get myself under control and prepared for when he would walk in. He takes my breath away every time I see him. He does that with one glance, one innocent touch, or even a tilt of his head.

I fold my hands in my lap and my body tightens when he opens the door and walks in. He stops next to me, but I don’t look up at him. He sighs heavily and walks around the back of his desk.

He runs his hand through his hair, forcing it to stand up. Even like that, he’s handsome. “Is this what I think it’s about?”

I start to say yes, but it sounds like a croak. I clear my throat and nod my head, finally looking him in the eyes.

He sits heavily down at his desk and leans forward. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Do you not have everything that you want?”

I shake my head at him. I don’t know how to explain it to him. I’ve tried over and over, but he just doesn’t get it. “Brian… I don’t understand. You spend your money to pay for my college, my apartment, all of my living expenses. That money that Dad left me is just sitting there and he left it for me to be able to live on. You shouldn’t be spending your money on me. The clause in the inheritance said you were to use the money until I was twenty-one so that I could live on it.”

He grimaces. “What does it matter? My money, his money, your money? When you turn twenty-one, I want you to have all of that money. I don’t want to worry that you will need something and not be able to get it.”

His logic doesn’t make sense at all. “It’s millions of dollars, Brian. Millions.”

His forehead creases. “How do you know for sure I’m not using your money?”

I just shake my head at him. Did he forget that he gave me access to the financial reports? “I look at the financial reports. The ones you gave me access to.”

It still blows my mind. My dad left Brian in complete control of my money. He didn’t even have the lawyers give me access to the reports. It was Brian that demanded the lawyers send me the information.

He just shrugs his shoulders at me, completely oblivious to my side of things.

I stand up from my seat, and already I hate myself for what I’m about to do. “Okay, fine. Have I proven to you that I’m responsible?”

He just laughs. “You’re more responsible than most forty-year-olds, Kendall.”

I put my hands on my hips. “Okay, do you trust me?”

He leans back in his chair and settles his arms across his broad chest. “You know I do.”

I nod my head, taking a deep breath and trying to get my gumption up. “Well, then, as a responsible adult that you trust, I need you to do what I’m asking you. Please sign my money over to me.”

He tilts his head to Copyright 2016 - 2024