After Happily Ever Afte- Astrid Ohletz Page 0,76

CQ’s circulation in a day. It must be ongoing. There’s planning.”

Maddie dropped a kiss at the base of Elena’s neck, then another under her ear. “True, but today you’re a golden goddess who can ignore her work and accept her glorious reward.”

“What form does this reward take?” Elena’s voice was low and interested.

Maddie slid her hands down that sleek dress, and then reversed course, bringing the hem up with her. Her fingers slid to between Elena’s thighs. “Well, the usual accolades and tributes. Plus sexual favours, naturally.” She rubbed Elena’s thong pointedly.

Elena’s mouth parted slightly. Her eyes became half-lidded, and there was no mistaking the arousal in her expression.

Fingers dancing and teasing, Maddie listened to the shift in Elena’s breathing. Oh, how she loved this bit, where Elena wouldn’t ask for more, not yet; because she enjoyed the games and foreplay as much as the sex. Elena’s jaw clenched, biting back a gasped moan, and her eyes pleaded for things Elena’s lips would never ask for.

Maddie played with her lover for long minutes, soaking in the naked want on the beautiful face in the window: high cheekbones, pale skin, jet-black, sculpted short hair, and arching eyebrows that always seemed mocking. But there was nothing but desire in those hooded eyes tonight. All for her.

She loved seeing Elena in a way no one else did. Emotionally naked and vulnerable. Mine.

“Take this off for me.” Maddie tapped Elena’s soaked thong.

Sometimes Maddie ordered Elena to do intimate things just to watch her wordlessly obey. That was arousing. Telling the woman who controlled almost a billion-dollar empire what she had to do.

Elena always seemed to know what that meant for her. That this was where Maddie had power too. After a delicious pause, Elena reached under her dress and slid her lace thong down. She met Maddie’s eye and her need was clear.

“Madeleine.” She drew out the word until it sounded French and naughty, becoming a demand. Elena’s way of saying, enough playing.

Smiling at her impatience, Maddie reached for her soft thigh. She trailed higher. Without a barrier, Maddie’s fingers moved easily across swollen skin.

“Tell me something,” Elena said, voice breathless. Her eyes became far too knowing.

A shiver skittered down Maddie’s spine at that taunting, devilish gaze. Uh-oh. Elena did love to fight back, to try to wrestle the power away from Maddie when she felt her own control slipping too fast.

“What did you wish you could have done that night two years ago?” Elena asked. “When you watched me in this window?”

Maddie parted Elena’s folds and slid her fingers through wet flesh. “That night, I wished you’d kissed me. Pushed me against a wall and kissed me senseless.” Her nipples tightened at the reminder. God, that night.

“Is that all you wanted?” Elena rolled her hips forward, pressing harder into Maddie’s fingers. She quivered and bucked into Maddie and seemed to struggle to keep her arousal in check as she finished the deliberate words designed to crack Maddie’s restraint.

If only Elena knew how pitifully close Maddie already was.

“You just wanted a kiss from me that night?” Elena’s hands landed on the window, bracing herself. Her fingers shifted a little, leaving steamy, smeared imprints on the glass.

“Well, maybe my fantasies included you flinging me on your desk, tearing off my jeans, and—”

“On my desk?” Elena’s eyebrows lifted to cocky heights. “My desk is only for work, Madeleine.”

Jesus. The soft, playful timbre of her voice would kill her yet.

“You know that,” Elena finished, adding a soft growl as Maddie pressed harder.

She did know that. It’s why it was so fun to tweak her about desk sex. Maddie smirked, then dipped inside her. “God, Elena, you’re so wet. So needy.”

Elena bucked into Maddie’s hand and muttered, “I am not needy.”

Sure she wasn’t. Maddie lifted her other hand up the dress, tracing heated skin within the deep vee. She slipped her hand under the silken material and lifted Elena’s bare breast outside the dress. They gazed at the sight in the window.

Maddie’s breath hitched. It seemed so naughty, so daring, that pale, soft breast lying against a blood-red dress, an erect nipple crinkling in the air. Jesus. Maddie rubbed the tight nub while moving her other hand through coarse, trimmed hairs, to Elena’s clit, circling it. She shifted her legs trying to alleviate the rising heat between her own thighs. One touch, hell, one pointed look from Elena, and she’d fly apart in seconds.

Elena moaned.

“Not needy? Are you sure?” Maddie tongued the salty skin of Elena’s neck until Copyright 2016 - 2024