After Happily Ever Afte- Astrid Ohletz Page 0,75

“Put it on me. Please.”

“Guess it’s kind of a moot point now. But since I’m only ever going to do this once, I want to do it right.” Jess rose up onto her knees. “Kim, will you marry me?”

“Yes. Forever.” Kim said, echoing Jess’s earlier vow.

Jess slipped the ring on her finger. She pulled Kim into her arms.

The kiss they shared was one of love, devotion, passion, and hope of a bright future.

If you enjoyed this short story, check out L.A. Metro by RJ Nolan, the novel in which Kim and Jess met and fell in love.

The Brutal Lie

by Lee Winter

Power and intimidation oozed from the New York penthouse office of Bartell Corp’s international headquarters, with its sleek, round floors, chrome, and tinted glass.

Maddie Grey padded along the thick carpeted floor, one hand tight around a bottle of champagne, in search of the fashion-editing world’s newest conqueror.

The first time she’d been here, two years ago, Maddie had felt like a boot scraping, out of place and lost. Tonight, wearing a grunge T-shirt, leather jacket, and worn jeans, Maddie wasn’t a much better fit, but she was no longer awed. This space was now as familiar to her as the imposing woman who ruled it. Elena Bartell: Media mogul and the founder, President, and Chief Operating Officer of Bartell Corporation.

Elena didn’t stalk the corridors of this building often anymore, having divested the day-to-day running of her company to her deputy. Her heart and focus had shifted, as had her home base. These days she was engaged in a furious magazine war against iconic fashion bible, Catwalk Queen. Elena had been in the trenches, from Sydney to London, trying to make her fashion magazine, Style International, the world’s number one.

Eighteen months later, it was official. The latest circulation figures had landed a few hours ago while Elena had been holding Bartell Corp’s annual general meeting. Style hadn’t just beaten its rival, it’d ground it under heel.

This was definitely cause for celebration.

Maddie found Elena scribbling notes at her desk, still wearing a cocktail dress from the party after the AGM, as if she’d been distracted and forgotten to change. Maddie leaned against the door, appreciating her lover’s dress—a scarlet second skin with a plunging neckline that hinted at the delights within.

Dear God. Elena did wear red well. It reminded her of a particularly sinful garnet dress that had undone Maddie once. She’d been a junior night-shift crime reporter and had made a total fool of herself, face-planting in front of her then-boss. And Elena had seemed…amused.

“Hey, sexy. When you didn’t come home, I brought the party to you.” Maddie placed the champagne on Elena’s glass, designer desk.

Elena’s head lifted in surprise. Regret darted into her eyes as she glanced at the clock. “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to be so long.”

“Time flies when you’re vanquishing your mortal enemies.”

“Now there’s a pleasant thought.” Elena’s eyes lit up. She tapped a sheet of numbers. “Almost as pleasant as my figures.”

“Well, I do like one of your figures in particular.” Maddie’s gaze lingered. “God, that dress. It reminds me of a certain other creation.”

“You remember that?”

“Is that a trick question? I’m astonished I could still walk after the first time I saw you in it.”

“If I recall, you spent more time on your face than walking.” Elena rose, smoothing the dress down her hips and thighs. “I also recall you watching me in the reflection of the window.” Moving toward it, her hips gave a languid sway. “I was standing right here, staring outside.”

Maddie came up behind her, close enough to feel Elena’s warmth. “Gazing at me in the glass you mean.”

Elena’s eyes twinkled at her in the reflection. “I distinctly remember the impressive New York City skyline.”

“Uh-uh.” Maddie pressed herself into her lover’s back. “Fess up: What were you thinking that night?”

“Truthfully?” Elena’s expression in the reflection became distant. “I was transfixed by how hungry your eyes seemed. You surprised me.”

“And me. I had an epiphany that night.”


“Mmm. How hot my boss was. How I wanted my hot boss. And a few other unspeakable things.”

“Unspeakable?” Elena’s voice dropped a register lower.

“Mm-hmm. You know…” Maddie licked her lips. “We could re-create that night. I may have suggested to Tony on the front desk not to interrupt you except for emergencies.”

“That seems somewhat presumptuous.” Elena’s voice warmed.

“It’s late. Barely anyone’s left in the building.” Maddie paused and added slyly, “I mean…unless you have other plans?”

Elena pretended to consider that. “Well, I am rather busy. One doesn’t destroy Copyright 2016 - 2024