After Happily Ever Afte- Astrid Ohletz Page 0,65

little girl who spoke about how Swiftwing saved her cat.

“Sod the cat,” Gwen muttered. “Where is she?”

An explosion behind them caused the camera to focus back on the smoke. From the blackness, two columns of humanoid-shaped flames emerged. Someone screamed, and Gwen’s heart began a heavy thud. She felt sick. Two Keelas alive and no sign of Swiftwing.

And then those burning bodies were flung through the air, each one raised high and dropped from a tremendous height. It was like watching matches fall from the sky. By the time they hit the ground, the flame was extinguished.

Then, finally, the smoke cleared, and Swiftwing was there, hovering above the charred carcass of the property. Below, on the ground, were two unconscious figures.

“She did it,” Gwen breathed and then looked to Nicole, who was shaking her head in something akin to disbelief.

“She fucking did it,” Nicole echoed and flashed Gwen a smile.

They sat there in silence, watching the footage over and over until it cut to a newscaster in a studio, who gave a play-by-play of the events. It was only once they cut back to an image of Swiftwing giving the camera a sooty smile that Gwen’s heartbeat returned to normal.

Ava called her seconds later. She was fine, if a little banged up. She was going back to the precinct to do all the necessary, boring paperwork that came after saving the city. She’d be back in an hour. She hoped they hadn’t eaten all the cheese and crackers because she was starving.

Gwen found herself laughing in relief before telling Ava to get back as soon as possible. When she looked up, Nicole was standing rather awkwardly in front of the TV.

“Okay, well…” She shrugged. “I guess I can go now. I’m sure you guys have plans once she gets back.” Nicole looked as if she was struggling before she finally said, “I’m sorry if I overstayed my welcome. I know you weren’t particularly excited about me being here tonight.”

Gwen wanted to tell Nicole that she might not have gotten through that without her. She wanted to tell her that she very much wanted her there. For the first time in maybe forever, Gwen looked at Nicole and really saw her. In jeans and a t-shirt, she was casual and very pretty. Brown eyes, brown skin, and dark, curly hair. She was the polar opposite of pale blonde Ava, but they complemented each other so well.

Gwen found herself reaching for their forgotten drinks.

“Stay for a drink,” she said, handing the glass to Nicole. “God knows we deserve one.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Nic snorted in glee. “Gillian Anderson said that. To you. In George Clooney’s bathroom.” She took another sip of her martini. This was her second one, her third one? It was hard to keep track once Gwen brought the bottle out. Nic was aware that her knees were a little tingly and her head pleasantly fuzzy. Maybe this was her fourth one.

“She did.” Gwen giggled.

Nic blinked and replayed the moment in her head. Gwendoline Knight, Academy Award winner and Hollywood’s head-bitch-in-charge, just giggled in her presence.

Maybe it was the fact that they had known each other for years and this was the first time they’d ever been alone together. Maybe it was the fact that they had shared some weird, indelible moment while watching Ava. Maybe it was that fourth martini. But something prompted Nic to cut through the bullshit and just ask, “So why don’t you like me?”

The smile fell from Gwen’s face. “I…” She looked almost panicked. “I don’t not like you,” she said, as if the notion was ridiculous, which made Nicole feel ridiculous.

“I know you don’t like me, Gwen. Why?” Nic meant to sound detached, disinterested, as if she didn’t really care one way or the other. Instead, it came out sad and sort of whiny. Nic cringed but kept her gaze steady.

Gwen opened her mouth once, as if to speak, but then seemed to think better of it. She sighed, knocked back the last of her martini, and straightened.

Nic could wait. She didn’t realize how much it meant to her until now, and found that she was weirdly nervous. She wanted Gwen to like her. She wanted this person who meant so much to Ava to see her as worthy. A part of Nic hated herself for it. She’d never sought out anyone’s approval before. But this felt so important.

Eventually, Gwen said, “I don’t dislike you, Nicole. I honestly don’t. I just…” Gwen gave her a Copyright 2016 - 2024