Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,66

like that has my cock all kinds of woken up. I focus in on her as she makes her way to the stairs, pulling her AirPods from her ears. Her eyes widen when she notices Ruby talking to me, and our eyes lock as she continues to walk, not paying attention to where she’s going and steps straight into the side of the pool table.

“Fuck,” she blurts out breaking our stare as she quickly turns, scurrying off up the stairs.

“Mm-hmm, there’s still fight in the both of you yet,” Ruby leans in whispering to me.

“I never said the man was me, or that the woman was Prinie. I was generalizing. You know… asking for a friend.”

Ruby giggles. “Sure thing, pres. Well, if I was your ‘friend’ and Prinie was the woman he was after, I would be following her up those stairs right about now. There are obviously things you, I mean they, need to talk about.”

There’s no point in even trying to hide it, Ruby knows for sure who I am talking about.

Hell, the whole club does.

I don’t know why I try to hide it anymore.

Maybe I shouldn’t.

Maybe I do need to just fucking fight for her.

“Thanks, Rubes.” I take a sip of the beer she brought me and stand.

She bites down on her bottom lip. “Go get her, pres!”

Walking quickly to the stairs, I take them two at a time, heading for Prinie’s room. My heart pounds when I reach her door while my head screams at me to back away. What would Zero think if he saw me right now. But the thing is, he isn’t here, and honestly, I don’t know when he’ll be back.

I need to take care of Prinie.

I need to take care of me.

I can’t keep fighting this. No matter how hard I try, it doesn’t work.

I gently wrap on her door, my stomach swirling in anticipation, but she doesn’t answer.

What the fuck is she doing in there?

She’s been so distraught lately.

Fear cripples me.

What if she’s done something?

I burst through the door, but all I see are her workout clothes strewn across her bedroom floor including her black lace panties.

“Fuck,” I murmur to myself as I close the door behind me trying to gather my self-control.

The heavy sound of water resonates from behind her bathroom door while my cock jerks behind the seam of my zipper.

She’s naked in there.

I came up here to talk, not walk in on her in the shower. This shit’s throwing me for a loop. I edge closer to the door, wanting to be near her but knowing this is crossing so many damn lines. My breathing deepens, my need for her growing stronger.

I press my hand on the door as I clench my eyes trying to gauge my next step.

What path do I take?

Can I control my urges?

I don’t ever want to hurt her like I did the first time.

I don’t ever want to get to a place where I can’t control myself around her.

But imagining her naked in there, her body flushed by the hot stream of warm water igniting her skin, it only makes me want to be the one to help her relax. To overwhelm her. I want to make her feel good. So much so, the thought of it is making my cock harder by the second.

I can’t hold back any longer.

I walk over to her desk, shrugging out of my cut, folding it and placing it neatly on the station. Inhaling sharply, I kick off my boots and socks, then shove them under the desk.

I let out a long breath as I walk to the bathroom, pause, then slowly open the door.

As I enter, the room is full of steam.

Prinie’s softly humming to herself. I don’t recognize the song, but the tempo is upbeat.

I step inside, closing the door with a soft click. It’s audible against the sound of the shower, and she gasps. Her shadow showing her back up against the wall.

“Is someone there?” her tone is slightly panicked.

I talk in a lowered voice, so I don’t scare her. “Just me.”

Prinie hesitates for a moment, then steps forward, the outline of her gorgeous body shadowing on the curtain. She grabs the edge pulling it aside, and her face pops out. Her hair’s up in a top bun, the loose tendrils wet and sticking to her face.

The sight in front of me is fucking incredible. Honestly, I’m having trouble keeping my shit together.

She eyes me up and down, but it is evident that Copyright 2016 - 2024