Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,65

So damn formal even via text message.

Me: Thanks.

She thinks I’m straight to the point, can’t get much straighter than that.

Finley: You’re an ass…

Me: Yep.

I chuckle under my breath as I hit send, then shove my cell into my pocket. She knows I wouldn’t have anyone else representing Zero but her. She’s a member of our team. If anyone can find a way to get him out of there, it will be Finley. She’s totally fine with me giving her shit. The thing is, she’s just as good at giving it back. That’s how I’m sure she’s the right fit for this club.

Walking out of the chapel, the smell of dinner lingers in the air. I’m not sure what the girls are cooking up for us tonight, but it has my stomach growling. Striding over to the farthest table in the back, I take a seat and people watch. My brothers sit together drinking, letting the spoils of this evening’s fight wear off them.

Cherry’s sitting with Chills and her baby while Kevlar stands in the doorway talking on his cell. I’m sure he’s discussing with Ethan everything that’s happening with Zero. If it was him who tipped off the Sergeant, I owe Ethan a huge fucking favor and even a thank you. I never thought I’d see the day I’d owe Ethan any-fucking-thing. That man has had it in for the club for as long as Kevlar has been a member. I don’t know why the sudden turnaround, but I’ll take anything to help Zero out.

Honestly, though, with packages going missing, the Baron making his ugly presence felt in places he shouldn’t, Zero being locked up and in constant danger, plus this constant shit with Prinie being so fucked-up, I am continually out of my fucking depth.

I don’t know how Zero handles all the shit thrown at him while trying to manage a personal life—this shit’s fucking chaotic.

My eyes are heavy as I lean back needing sleep more than anything. But with everything going on, my mind will be racing so fucking fast I won’t be able to relax. The threat of retaliation from Hawke and his band of merry Militia rattles through my head. I rest my forehead on my fist, just taking some much-needed time out.

“You okay, pres?” I glance up as Ruby walks over with a cold longneck.

She places it on my table, and I rub the back of my neck. “Honestly, Rubes, I don’t fucking know.”

Her face falls. “Do you want me to get someone for you?”

I eye her up and down, I can see the appeal. She would’ve been a hot commodity back in Chicago as a club girl before Luc and she got serious. Maybe she’s what I need right now. A woman to talk to, who I can’t fuck up with. “Take a seat, Rubes.”

Her eyes shift to Luc, then back to me before slowly sitting in the seat opposite me.

“Don’t worry it’s nothing like that. I know you’re off-limits. That was decreed when you came to the club… club girl or not, the brothers all know you’re with Luc.”

She visibly relaxes. “Okay… then how can I help?”

“When a man is into a woman, but he can’t be with her for a solid reason, but the woman won’t accept that reason… how does the man make the woman see his point of view?”

She raises her brow, then sits taller. “Well, in all honesty, if the woman hasn’t given up on the man after he repeatedly tells her he can’t be with her, but it’s obvious the man is into her and is fighting it… then they just need to let all that baggage go and give it a try. If she’s still hanging around after he’s been a dick, then she really cares about him, and truthfully, he’s fucking lucky and doesn’t deserve her.”

My chest tightens. “Don’t hold back there, Rubes.”

She snickers. “I never do. I just wanna say that if this ‘man’…” she uses air quotes, “… really cares about her, then they will find a way. Love always finds a way in the end.”

“That’s fucking poetic of you.”

She shrugs. “Yeah, but it’s true. Look at me and Luc. A club girl and a prospect. We moved across the other side of the country to stay together. If you find something worth fighting for, Wraith, then fucking fight for it.”

As if on cue, Prinie walks back inside, sweaty as fuck from her workout. I have to say seeing her all hot and bothered Copyright 2016 - 2024