Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,29

run or some other shit, but that’s different. You know you don’t need to make any fucking judgment calls to do with the club.

Right now, everything is riding on my shoulders.

And I need to do this right.

Pulling out my cell, I go to dial a number when there’s a knock at the door. I lift my head in curiosity. “Yeah?”

The door creeks as it opens, and Cherry pops her head through. “Can I come in?”

I wave my hand, gesturing for her to enter, and she closes the door behind her. “Take a seat, Cherry. What’s on your mind?”

She looks tired, worn out. I think I’ve been so focused on my own shit I’ve been neglecting her.

“I was just chatting with Prinie, and it’s got me thinking…” I scrunch my brows together waiting. “I’m worried about Z-Zero,” her voice cracks on his name as tears begin to stream down her face.

I sit taller, moving closer to her. I know the feeling, though emotional women always make me damn uncomfortable. I reach out to grip her hand. “I know. I’m trying, Cherry. I’m really fucking trying my best. I’m gonna make some calls once we’re done here to make sure he’s protected inside. Believe me, I am gonna do everything in my power to protect him.”

She wipes the fat tears rolling down her face. “I know it’s my job to be strong. I know the first lady is supposed to keep her shit together and build everyone up, but Wraith, I just don’t know what to expect. This is all happening because of me.”

I narrow my eyes on her. “Stop! It’s happening because the club has a beef with the Baron. It’s got nothing to do with you. You were just collateral.”

She sniffles, letting out a small whimper. “I honestly don’t know how to get through this without him. He saved me, Wraith. He swooped in like some fucking white knight on a steely damn horse and rescued me… so we need to rescue him right back.”

That fact hits home so fucking hard.

“He rescued me, too, Cherry. Saved me from my own damn self.” I tighten my hand in hers. “I was a destructive bastard, so don’t worry, we will help him. Somehow, in some way, we will get him out.”

Her bottom lip quivers just slightly. “I hope it’s not in a body bag.”

I stand, pulling her with me into a tight embrace. “That’s not going to happen, you hear me?”

She whimpers against my chest as I hold her tight. “I need you to promise me, Wraith. Promise me you’ll get him out of there safe!”

Shit. There’s no way I can promise that.

“Wraith?” She pulls back, her pleading eyes desperately searching mine.

“I promise!”


Cherry exhales, her tears subsiding as she withdraws from me, collecting herself as only she can. With a quick wipe of her eyes, she sniffles and takes a step away from me. “I’ll never show anything but utter faith in you and the club in public, Wraith. Being the first lady means something to me… you know. I am sorry I fell apart in here, but I was going out of my mind, and I knew if anyone was going to understand, it would be you.”

I dip my chin. “I do. If you need to talk to me again, Cherry, my door is open any-fucking-time… day or night. Understand?”

Cherry nods, clearing her throat while pepping herself up to go back out there. “Appreciate that. And same goes for you. I might be Prinie’s bestie, but I am here if you ever need an ear.”

I grip her shoulder as she turns to head for the exit. “I’ll let you know how I go with my calls.”

With a brief nod, she exits, quietly leaving me to it.

That was intense.

And not what I was expecting.

She showed me her weaknesses, but that woman can only be strong for so fucking long.

How long can I keep up my façade of strength?

I don’t want to find out.

So, I sit back down, pick up my cell, and dial the jail. I need to get this shit dealt with. I have got to get Zero looked after in there, no matter the cost, especially now I’ve promised Cherry that Zero will be fine, which was a stupid slip.

I’m placed on hold multiple times, hung up on a few more, until finally I’m connected through to a guard on the inside who’s on our payroll. He owes us a few favors, and considering you can’t normally call prisoners, this Copyright 2016 - 2024