Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,28

lips, my heart thumping rapidly as my skin prickles in goosebumps. Wraith’s eyes shift to my lips as we inch closer.

Our bodies are completely aligned as his fingers on my hips dig in like he’s craving me. He pulls me a little closer, our heads tilting in line so close, I smell the whiskey on his warm breath. It’s intoxicating, alluring as our eyes stay locked with each other. My insides quiver in anticipation, my lips supple, ready to taste him as I lean forward to just a hairsbreadth away.

When suddenly the crunching of footsteps comes rushing out from inside. “Hey, did y’all… oh, shit, sorry,” Cherry calls out making us quickly pull apart, breaking the intoxicating tension between us.

My clit throbs as I try to catch the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

Wraith takes an extra-large step back as if I have the plague. His wide eyes shift from me to Cherry. He scrunches up his face like he’s in pain, sighs loudly, then before I say anything, he takes off inside leaving me reeling.

That icy cold sensation floods back into my veins.

I move my hand to my lips, wishing like hell I had the opportunity to taste him one more time.

That was intense.

I have no idea if I’ll be able to have a moment with Wraith like that again after the way he just reacted.

Cherry rushes over, her eyes alight, but still a sadness behind them. “Were you guys about to kiss?” She reaches out, grabbing my hand in hers in excitement.

I shrug. “I’m not sure, I think so.”

“Crap! I’m so sorry. My timing was impeccably terrible.”

“No, it’s fine. Honestly, right now, Wraith and me trying to figure out whatever the fuck we have going on is probably not the best of timings.”

Cherry snorts. “It’s probably the best timing of all because Zero isn’t here to put the kibosh on it. You guys need to figure your shit out. Deal with your issues, and see if what you have is a real thing or not because then you can present it to Zero when… if he gets home. If it’s not, then you don’t have to try and hide figuring it out while Zero’s here. See how this is kinda playing to your advantage? Work with what you’re given, Prinie. Because when you have something, and you didn’t even try…” Her eyes well up. “You have a guy right in front of you, someone you can hold, someone who is right there. Cherish that, Prinie, because when they’re suddenly gone…” she pauses, her eyes glistening as my chest squeezes.

I feel bad for her, but she is actually making sense.

While Zero isn’t here, it is a perfect opportunity for Wraith and me to try and figure things out. “Maybe I do need to see where this can go with Wraith. It’s always been volatile.” That’s because of what happened with us a year ago. “Maybe we need to simply sit down and have a conversation. See why what happened, happened.” Not just the sex, but what happened after. The fallout, which aided in me leaving the club for a year with Koda.

We haven’t talked about that.

All we do is argue or nearly kiss.

We need to find a balance.

“Exactly. You two need to have a civil conversation. Surely, you’re both capable of that?”

I sure hope so, but with shit going the way it is right now, I’m not sure if Wraith will have the time to spend with me.

But one thing is for sure, I need to know if he’s willing.


Sweat trickles down my temple as I grind my teeth together in frustration. I’m furious I let myself get caught up like that with Prinie. I swore to Zero I would steer clear of her, which is exactly what I plan to do. I’m the acting president. I need to focus on the club to keep everything running smoothly and getting Zero out without anything happening to him while he’s in lockup.

So I need to do my fucking job, and not get lost in shit I should be controlling.

Moving to the chapel, I need to make some calls. I know some men in the Harris County judicial system who I can reach out to, who owe me favors and might be able to keep an eye on Zero.

Walking in, I shut the door behind me, then take my seat. I’m not used to being in charge. Sure, Zero’s left me in charge before when he’s been out on a Copyright 2016 - 2024