Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,95

as thoughts of my dear, sweet, badly bred basking shark swam through my mind and for a moment I couldn’t breathe.

I was saved from answering the vexing cricket by the arrival of the rest of the Almighty Sovereign Society as they began to appear between the trees and I made a hasty retreat.

I hurried around the circle, making sure everyone had a bagel from my box, handing them out so that everywhere I looked there was a buttery bagel in hand and a look of most reverent devotion upon their faces.

I was about to begin when Milton Hubert stomped through the trees, seeming to take no care to remain silent.

“Do sit down, Milton,” I encouraged, refraining from making a joke about bulls in china shops though the notion did strike me, bringing a chuckle to my lips.

He took a seat beside one of Justin’s tiny balls and I gasped as the firelight caught on the glorious ring he had freshly hanging from the base of his nose.

“Dearest Milton!” I cried, my eyes wide as I realised what this meant. “Have you taken on a herd?”

“I’m about to,” he said proudly, lifting his chin so that his nose ring caught the light again. “My family were in talks with several other Minotaurs over the summer and at the weekend I beat all the other bulls to the centre of the Gelopian Maze. I got my nose ring for winning and I’ll start meeting some cows soon so that I can build my herd.”

“Oh joyous day!” I said, throwing my arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. “We must all have a toast before the ramming begins!”

I turned away from him to find my glass, but as I hunted for it, my Atlas began to buzz in my pocket.

I pulled it free and my cheeks flushed as I spotted Maxy boy’s name appearing upon the screen.

Justin was casting a curious look my way and I quickly switched the device off before putting it away again and raising my glass for all to see.

“To Milton getting his nose ring!” I called out and Milton stomped his foot happily as everyone raised a glass in a toast.

We took a sip of our drinks and I smiled warmly at everyone as the bubbles tickled my tummy and I was filled with pride at the sight of so many varied and wonderous Orders all joined together in one place.

“It is my great honour to be holding this somewhat clandestine meeting of the A.S.S. despite the ridiculous laws of the scoundrel who has stolen the crown from our fair ladies,” I began. “I am as thrilled as a chicken crossing the road to see you all here, flouting the grossly outrageous restrictions he is trying to place upon our kind. And though our queens are not currently here, I know that they would be truly bolstered to see so many fine faces, standing up against this Orderist collywobble!”

Cheers went up amongst the noble A.S.S. and pride beamed through me like sun through the fluffiest white clouds.

“All of us here stand united in our faith in the Vega line. We stand against persecution, inequality and unworthy Dragon scoundrels. This is not just a meeting of the Almighty Sovereign Society as usual, but it is indeed the beginning of the rebellion!”

“Long live the queens!” Sofia cried and more scallywags joined in, bringing a smile of greatest joy to my face.

“Indeed!” I agreed wholeheartedly. “We here are the first to see the light and my father has found even more likeminded souls out amongst the masses. Lionel Acrux may have stolen the crown with dark magic and deceit, but his reign will not be a long one. He will be cast asunder by our ladies before long and we shall live to see the rise of the Vega line once more. Who here will stand with me against the K.U.N.T.s? Who here will fight for what is right?”

Cheers of joy went up and I beamed, feeling the full force of the A.S.S. ramming building up all around me.

I opened my mouth to go on, but before I could, I felt a press of magic against the wards I had cast to keep unwanted nincompoops away from our fine and noble meeting and I gasped as I turned around, hunting the trees for a sign of the intruder.

I raised my hands, pushing back against the magic that tried to break through my own, grunting as the scoundrel coming against us

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