Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,56


I huffed in frustration and packed my stuff into my bag then turned to leave.

But before I could make it more than a few steps, Gabriel moved to block my path.

"I still need that word," he said seriously, levelling me with a look that said he wasn't going to leave this issue.

I shrugged and moved back towards my chair but he shook his head, pushing his black hair away from his eyes and regarding me with interest.

"Why don't we walk and talk?" he suggested and for some reason I liked the sound of spending more time in his company. There was just something about him that made me feel safe. "I think a bit of fresh air could do us both good."

Technically I shouldn’t have been mixing with a Harpy but as there were allowances made for teachers and I was above the rules anyway, I decided not to make an issue of it.

"Fine," I agree, not caring much either way. I just wanted this day over. On Friday I could return to my king and in the meantime, I just needed to study and sleep to make the time disappear. But the more time that passed, the more I ached to return to him and the harder it was to ignore the itch in my bond mark. I’d do it though. For him. Like I promised.

Gabriel led the way out of the building and I trailed along after him, tightening my hold on my air shield as we stepped out into the cool air. Lionel had warned me that Darcy might try and attack me at any moment, especially when I was alone so I had to be on the lookout at all times. Though for some reason I didn’t really think she would. But I’d do as my king told me all the same.

"Do you mind if I get my wings out?" Gabriel asked casually, unhooking the buttons on his grey shirt without waiting for my response so I didn't bother giving one. He'd clearly decided he was getting them out either way.

As he removed his shirt, my gaze caught on a tattoo above his right hip of two Phoenixes flying together and my brow furrowed as a memory was tugged to the forefront of my mind before being swept away again on a tide of shadows.

Gabriel rolled his shoulders back and a huge pair of midnight black wings burst from his back as he shifted and I watched a little curiously as he flexed them behind him.

"I haven't seen you shift since you came back to the academy this term," he commented, leading me up the path that led into The Wailing Wood. "Perhaps we could go flying together soon?"

"I don't enjoy flying," I said automatically, unsure where the words had even come from. But as I opened my mouth to counter that comment, I gasped at the ripple of pain which washed through my chest.

I did hate flying. It hurt me. My wings hurt me and I didn’t ever want to use them again.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked, reaching for my arm but finding my shield still in place which stopped him from laying his hands on me.

I didn't want him touching me. I knew that very clearly and I cut him a glare as I stepped aside, placing more magic into my shield in case he tried again. "Nothing."

"You looked like you were in pain," he pushed.

"You have very little understanding of true pain then," I replied. And I had a lot of understanding of that.

Gabriel chuckled darkly and shrugged. "I know a fair bit. I've been through more than a few battles in my time and I took a bolt of Storm Dragon lightning to the chest once too."

I fell still as he said that, my fists clenching at the memories of being struck by that very thing. A voice in my ear whispering those words. "This is the full power of a Storm Dragon. Whose fault is it that you have to feel this pain?"

"Darius," I breathed, almost forgetting Gabriel was there as the memories of being struck with all of that electricity over and over again overwhelmed me for a moment and I was forced to seek solace in the shadows. That had happened to me because of Darius and I needed to keep the hell away from him unless I wanted it to happen again.

I glanced over my shoulder like he might be lurking in the dark, just waiting to pounce and

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