Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,55

we could only exist on separately.

I twisted the door handle behind me, but it didn’t budge and Orion surveyed me with a tight frown. Dammit Darius.

“I’ll go,” Orion rasped, turning to head through the door that led into the prison. But he paused, glancing back at me, his penetrating gaze drilling a hole in my heart. “You look like a queen, Darcy. I’m looking forward to the coronation.” And with that, he left, making the air rush out of me and anger surge up inside me like a tidal wave. I twisted around, casting burning hot air into the lock and finally managed to break it open, stepping out into the corridor where Darius was leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

I strode up to him, slapped him hard then hugged him firmly, because dammit I needed him right now. “You had no right.”

He held me close and the feel of him casting the identity illusion tumbled over my flesh. “I know, but you haven’t given up on me and Roxy. So I have the same sentiment when it comes to you and my best friend.”

I pulled away from him with a sad look. “The difference is, you two actually want each other.”

“That’s not a difference, shrew.”

“Don’t call me shrew, Asscrux.” I rolled my eyes, but my stomach knotted because inside I knew all I wanted was Orion. But I would never admit it out loud. I’d smother that feeling, push it down until it went away one day. Because if the stars had taught me anything, it was that we didn’t belong with one another no matter how much it had felt that way once. And I’m done breaking for Lance Orion.

I sat in Arcane Arts at the end of my table, trying to predict the future with the roll of the dice Gabriel had given me and finding it unclear time and again. Frustration built in me as I continued to struggle with the task and the shadows writhed beneath my skin, feeding on my anger and looking for an outlet for it.

"Tory, I want a word with you at the end of class," Gabriel said as he moved to stand beside me and I looked up to find him standing over me, eyeing my notes with a disapproving frown.

“Why?” I asked, wondering why he seemed to be taking such an interest in me.

“The problem with your predictions is that you need to really connect with your emotions to get a read on your future. And all the time you’re letting things get in the way of your true feelings-”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I replied flatly and he sighed in frustration.

The air shield around me trembled at the touch of his magic against it and I stood abruptly as I tightened my hold on the shield I always kept in place.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Gabriel said, stepping back as I narrowed my eyes on him.

The shadows twisted and swirled within me, whispering at me to strike at him for that, but I didn't give in to them. Something in my gut urged me not to hurt him and though I wasn't sure why, as he backed away I found I was glad I didn’t have to do any more to defend myself.

“I’m not afraid of you,” I replied flatly.

I lowered myself back into my chair and Darcy caught my gaze from the far side of the room. I didn't turn away, holding her eye with an expressionless look that seemed to be making her angry and her brow furrowed as she stared at me, her eyes watering as her fists tightened on the table in front of her.

As the bell rang to mark the end of class, she leapt up and strode from the room, nodding at Gabriel as she went and disappearing before anyone else had even managed to pack their things away.

I bit my lip as I considered whether or not I should call my king, running my fingers back and forth over the Guardian bond mark on my forearm as I considered it. It had been three days since I'd seen him and though I knew he was busy with the changes he had to make in the kingdom, I was certain he had to be missing me too. Or at least I hoped he was. Because without him I didn’t have anything.

But he'd also told me to stop calling so frequently and I didn’t want to make him

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