Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,36

of water. I felt a headache coming on.

I made my way to the private bathroom off the master bedroom to grab some ibuprofen from my bag.

One day I’d get around to filling that big cast iron bathtub and soaking in it. But not today.

I couldn’t stand being in work clothes for another moment. Boone had gone to his room a long while ago so I figured it was safe to sneak downstairs for a glass of water in my PJs. I changed into soft short cotton sleep-shorts and a tank top.

It was warm tonight and there was no A/C in the house so I wore my lightest sleep clothes.

I'd enjoy sleeping with the windows open, something I never did in my air-conditioned apartment.

I eased open my door and had taken a few steps down the hall just as Boone’s door opened and he too stepped out—in nothing but boxer shorts—and crashed into me in the dim hall.

“Oh, damn—darn.” He reached out to steady me then dropped his hands. “Sorry.”

“Cuss jar,” I joked and forced a laugh as I tried not to look anywhere I shouldn’t.

But damn, he was gorgeous.

His thighs were as muscular and firm as the rest of him. Somehow tan even though I’d only seen him in jeans.

I had to wonder if he ran around in shorts or maybe went skinny dipping in the river in summer, which was why he had no tan lines.

It was a tantalizing thought. One I shouldn’t be having.

“Yeah. I know. I’ll have to pay the cuss jar when I have, you know, my wallet on me.” He dipped his head shyly as he indicated there was nowhere to put his wallet in what he was currently wearing.

That was obvious and I thought a few choice obscenities myself.

I really was going to have to throw a twenty in that cuss jar and be done with it, just for my thoughts alone. Even though I managed to not say them aloud, around Boone there was no thinking clean thoughts.

“Everything okay?” he asked, concern clear in his question, which made me feel even more guilty about my objectifying this much too sweet guy.

“Just getting some water,” I answered.

“Me too.” He grinned, as if it was the best coincidence in the world.

I hated it but his exuberance was a tad bit infectious.

Even if I was tired and a little cranky at the thought of having to get up in just five or so hours, even though I had yet to go to sleep, seeing Boone smile brightened my mood.

“Ladies first,” he said with a sweep of his arm.

“Oh, okay.” We were both wearing far too little considering our relationship to one another. But I grasped on to the formality and his politeness and pretended he wasn’t almost naked.

I cleared my throat, about to ask if he got Stewie down for bed okay, when I felt the heat of Boone’s hand on my back.

So big. So hot. Skin on skin. I nearly tripped over my own feet at the feel of it as my mind did summersaults.

“Watch yourself there,” he said.

I looked down and realized he wasn’t coming on to me. He was trying to steer me away from a rubber dog bone.

His touch disappeared as he bent and scooped it up.

“These nubby dog toys are surprisingly painful when you step on them barefooted. Not quite Lego pain, but close.”

I managed a nod. “Thanks.”

He waved it away. “My fault. I need to make sure to pick up after Romeo since you’re nice enough to let him visit once in a while.

Phew. The dog. This was a safe subject. Safer than my remembering Boone’s hand just above the waist of my sleep shorts.

“Romeo is welcome here,” I said.

“You mean that?” Boone asked.

“Yes. Anytime you want.”

At this point, I was ready to give Boone anything he wanted. Which was bad given our current state of undress.

Very, very bad. The way he looked and the way I felt, the more we had on the better.

We finally reached the kitchen and reached for the glass cabinet at the same time, putting our bodies pretty much against each other.

Since Boone was taller, I took a step back and let him get two glasses down.

“Here you go.” He handed me one.

“Thanks.” I turned toward the fridge at the same time that he did too.

He took a step back this time and said, “You first.”

“Thank you.” I put my glass beneath the fridge’s water dispenser and waited, but nothing came out.

Frowning, I took the Copyright 2016 - 2024