Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,35

for that since I’m the one who brought Stewie around my brothers. But I started another cuss jar at the farm. We’re all going to be good from now on. I promise.”

“We’ll see,” I said, doubtful.

I really had no right to be self-righteous. I’d been known to let the four-letter words fly myself. Particularly after a few wines or when ranting about Jerry to Kim.

The Greg and Jana situation should be cuss worthy but the truth was, I simply didn’t talk about it. It hurt too much still. Maybe one day I’d be healed enough for a good old obscenity-laden bitch session, but not yet.

I pushed the thought away now since it had the tasty dinner Boone had cooked for me sitting heavy in my belly.

“So, how was work today?” he asked.

“It was work. Same old thing.”

It was nice he’d asked, nice that he was trying to make polite conversation, but the truth was I only wanted to do one thing right now—work on my presentation.

There were visuals to mock-up. I had to search stock video sites and try to put together something to show the boss. I found showing so much better than telling, especially when working with a man.

Not to be sexist, but it was true. Well, at least it was true of my boss.

I glanced at Boone. Past him, I noticed he’d set a jelly jar filled with wildflowers on the counter. Such a small thing but it brightened the whole kitchen, making it feel bright and cheery.

It seemed an odd thing for a man who spent all day working and all evening cooking and babysitting to think of, but Boone had. I had to think that if any man could visualize the creative idea in my head without being shown, it might be Boone.

And that was the last thing I needed to be thinking about.

Wasn’t it enough that he had a perfect body? I did not need to find out that he had some sort of artistic sensitive side too.

Time for some distance.

“Um, I need to get to work on my presentation. Would you mind very much if I left you with Stewie and went upstairs and got right to it?”

I felt bad abandoning Stewie when I hadn’t seen him all day, but he would probably have a better time with Boone than with me anyway.

Did Boone look a little disappointed? If he was, he hid it quickly as he said, “That’s fine. Do you want a glass of wine to take with you?”

“No. Definitely not. If I do that, I’ll never get anything done.”

“Okay. How about dessert then? I picked up honey buns for us from Bethany’s.”

“Thank you. But no. I’m good.”

“Oh. All right.”

Yup. There it was again. That shadow of disappointment in the man who was usually bubbling with good moods.

“Rain check?” I asked. “That sounds like the perfect thing for me to take in the car tomorrow with my coffee for the commute.”

His brows rose. “You should be concentrating on driving, not eating and drinking behind the wheel.”

“Yes, Dad.” I smiled at his concern.

His stern expression couldn’t hold as a small smile broke through. “I’ll wrap one up and put it next to your coffee mug for the morning.”

He really was sweet. And young, just like the girls from today who were dating his brothers.

With that reminder firmly in mind, I said, “Thank you.”

I stood and gathered my stuff.

There was a lot of it. Cell phone. Laptop. Notebook. Print outs.

I hauled it all up the stairs to the room that had become mine. At least for the next few months. I got right to work.

Not long after I'd gone up, I heard Boone bringing Stewie upstairs for a bath. Heard him tucking him into the bedroom next to mine. And then heard the door close on the room Boone had chosen for his own, just across the hall from mine.

So close.

Too close.

And that didn’t matter because I was his boss. And he was here to watch Stewie.

I turned my attention back to the video editing software and before I knew it, it was past midnight and I had to get up in just a handful of hours.


Good thing Boone’s cuss jar didn’t count for obscenities I’d only thought but didn’t say.

Smiling at that thought I stood, my muscles protesting from how long I’d sat motionless.

I had to admit, the bed in this room was comfortable for working in. Just as comfortable for sleep, which is what I needed to do.

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