Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,27

I took a large sip.

Meanwhile, my mother continued, saying something about my inability to properly care for the child as I felt the crease in my brow deepen.

Finally I’d had enough of her insults, intentional or not. “First of all, Mother, Stewie and I are fine. You do not have to come move in here with me.”

Boone’s eyes widened as he hovered, watching the battle. I bet that was one thing he hadn’t anticipated when he became my manny—Stewie’s Grandma trying to take his job. He didn’t need to worry. I wasn’t letting my mother move in with us for many reasons.

“Second, are you even supposed to be around a child when you might be contagious with shingles because of Dad?” I continued.

“I’m not contagious.”

I didn’t believe her. “How can you be sure? Do you ask the doctor?”

“No, but—”

“I’ll ask Liza if Stewie has had his chicken pox vaccine yet but I still don't think you should see him right now.”

“Vaccine. How ridiculous. You do realize we used to let children get chicken pox so they’d be immune. You had it.”

“Yes, but times have changed, Mother.”

Boone cringed, probably envisioning Stewie ridden with chicken pox, just as I was. That would be unpleasant for everyone involved.

I silently nodded, agreeing with him that shingles were not only cringeworthy, but to be avoided at all costs, for all of our sakes.

“You know what? I’ll just pack a bag and come over,” she said.

It was time to end this insanity.

“Mother, for the last time, I’ve got this covered. And in case you haven’t realized it yet, you don’t even know where I’m currently staying, so threatening to come whether I want you to or not won’t work. I love you, but I’m hanging up now. Goodbye.”

Then I did just that, hitting to end the call before tossing the cell to the nearest table.

Boone looked impressed with me. I’m glad he was. I, on the other hand, was exhausted from the interaction. I let out a long deep breath and sat, sagging against the back of the sofa.

He held up the bottle and said, “More wine?”

I laughed, which had him smiling. I took another swallow from my glass, a big one, and then held the glass out. “Thanks.”

“Any time.” He filled the glass almost to the rim. “So, mother problems?”

“Yes. She’s a little too helpful sometimes.”

“It’s nice that she wants to help you, but shingles are nothing to mess with. I remember when old Buck had shingles. He was showing everyone at the bar his stomach. It was pretty ugly stuff. Finally, Laney caught him doing it and sent him home.”

Boone’s Mudville tale helped calm me down a little bit. It at least distracted me momentarily from the truth. That my mother had no faith in me.

“The thing is, it’s not that she’s really trying to help.” My anger began to return as I talked. “The truth is she doesn’t think I can handle a kid. She doesn’t trust me with her only grandchild.”

“You really think that’s the problem?” he asked, frowning.

“Yup. That’s it exactly. Just because I don’t have kids of my own.” I nodded before downing a good portion of the wine.

After setting the bottle down on the table, Boone walked behind me and laid his hands on my shoulders, saying, “Well, I’m sorry she annoyed you.”

I froze beneath his touch as my mind spun, questioning. Was he just being nice? Was he coming on to me? Did I want him to?

As my internal debate raged, he took his hands off me and moved across the room. “Dinner won’t be ready for another fifteen minutes or so. Stewie is happy and quiet for now in the kitchen. I set him up watching a movie on my cell phone. Why don’t you just sit here and chill for a few minutes?”

I nodded, drawing in a big breath before letting it out. “Thanks.”

Meanwhile Boone sat in the chair opposite me and I realized he’d be chilling with me.

He leaned forward, forearms braced on his knees. “So, how was work today?”

I raised my gaze to meet his. “You really want to know?”

He tipped his head. “I really do.”

I wasn’t sure I believed him but I answered anyway. “Well, I think I might have come up with an idea for my client’s campaign, so that’s good. But I have to work with a guy who I kind of hate on the project.”

“Mmm.” He nodded. “I feel you. As much as I love my brothers, there are days Copyright 2016 - 2024