Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,26

there aren’t toddlers on most honeymoons,” Cash volleyed back.

I’d had about enough of them. Besides, I’d had big plans to do all sorts of shit at the house before Sarah got home from work. That was back when I’d thought I’d get done at the farm right after lunch.

The sun sank lower on the horizon, proving we were getting closer and closer to dinner, and if I didn’t get my ass in gear, it would be take-out pizza.

“You two have your fun at my expense. I’m heading out.”

Cash leaned closer to Stone. “The little woman is gonna be home soon. He’s gotta get back.”

Stone chuckled. “Yeah, he probably has to cook and clean before she gets home.”

Fuck. There was no way I was telling them they were absolutely right.

“Yup. I’m going to the Van de Berg house to enjoy dinner with a gorgeous woman. And you’re jealous. Both of you.” I lobbed out that insult and tugged Stewie toward the truck. “Come on kid. Time to go home.”

“No. I want to stay.” He pulled surprisingly hard for a child his size.

“We can’t stay.” Things were not going my way and it was obvious no one was going to help me.

Bart wasn’t here, even though I’d hoped he would help with the kid. He’d gotten detention. For what, I didn’t ask, grateful he was one kid I wasn’t solely responsible for at the moment.

Mom, Dad, Cash and Stone could worry about Bart. For now, I had my hands full here, with the three-year old I’d inadvertently taught to cuss like a sailor.

“I want Romeo to come.” Stewie planted his tiny sneakers in the gravel and glared up at me.

The dog had been the one saving grace here at the farm, keeping Stewie happy. But Romeo was staying here.

Helpless, I glanced at Cash and Stone. With a sigh because I hated with every fiber of my being having to ask permission of them, I said, “Can I take Romeo for the night?”

“Technically, he’s Bart’s dog,” Cash reminded.

I nodded. “Yes, and technically, you paid for his latest vet visit and I bought his last bag of food so . . .”

Cash drew in a breath, and finally nodded. “Take him. It’ll be part of the punishment for whatever trouble he got himself into at school today.”

“Look at you, being all fatherly.” I grinned, even though I probably shouldn’t be taunting my brother since I was getting my way. I was more than grateful for that.

Cash cocked up a brow. “If I were you, I’d get the hell—uh, heck out of here before I change my mind.”

He eyed Stewie, who thankfully was too busy hugging the slobbering Romeo to notice Cash’s slip.

It looked like we all had a bit of work to do on our language. That was probably long overdue.

“Come on, boy. Time to go.”


“Romeo is coming home with us.” I preemptively cut off his rant with that news, turning his frown into a grin. “Bring him over to my truck.”

“Okay. Come on, Romeo.”

Maybe this parenting stuff wasn’t that hard after all, as long as you had something to bribe the kid with.

I watched as Stewie took off running for the truck—and saw him catch his foot on a tree root, which sent him sprawling face first on the ground.

“Shit.” I sprinted to where he lay. “Stewie. You okay, bud?”

“Shit,” he mumbled looking at his scraped palm as I bent to lift him to his feet.

I reevaluated my prior opinion about parenting.

Crap . . . Uh, make that crud.



I walked through the front door in a bad mood. Not from the drive, but rather from the phone call I’d gotten just as I was pulling into town.

My real life had invaded my fantasy life in Mudville and I didn’t like it.

“I’m coming to help you. You can’t possibly handle Stewie on your own.” My mother’s insult and lack of faith in me hit me hard, just as Boone came into view.

He stepped through the door from the kitchen and into the living room with the bottle of wine and a glass in his hand and I could have kissed him for it.

That impulse was something I’d have to deal with later. At the moment, I had my mother's call to deal with.

Boone took one look at my face and poured the wine without even asking. Good man.

He slipped the glass into my hand as I said, “Mother. Please don’t be ridiculous.”

I mouthed thank you to Boone, who replied with his trademark smile as Copyright 2016 - 2024