Zenith in Love (Zenith Series #5) - Leanne Davis Page 0,105

wanted to ask you one thing. About us.”


“As friends, why wouldn’t you ask me to help you become a pastor? If that’s what you really want or have an interest in pursuing, I can certainly help you make it happen.”

“Oh, I don’t know…”

“I do. If you want something bad enough, you really need to pursue it. You have to. I know you, Kathy, unless you’re pushed, you’ll sit on it and never step out of your comfort zone. You claim you want to stop being dishonest with yourself, and Eric, Kayla and I all agree you should and you can do it. I’m right here at your disposal. Why won’t you accept my help? It’s not even a hardship for me.”

She smiled and replied, “Don’t you have to ask Kayla first?” She arched an eyebrow and did a small wiggle.

“Not at all. You’re trying to distract me. Do it. Okay? Don’t wait. Don’t let that opportunity pass you by because it will. I’ve regretted doing that for too long, you shouldn’t.”

She nodded. “I could start taking classes at the community college next quarter. I have a long way to go still. But maybe someday, if I do take the plunge and go back to school, I’d more than appreciate any of your guidance, advice and tutoring.”

He put his hand out. “Then it’s a deal. And I’m holding you to it.”

She shook his hand and smiled. “It’s a deal.”

Just then, Kayla entered. There was a small pause before he and Kathy released their hands. He shrugged and gave the girls a smile. “This might be kind of weird for awhile.”

Kayla nodded as she stopped and kissed his cheek. “Yes. Who’d have guessed the pastor would be the heartthrob that tore apart two sisters?”

“We were just talking about how it will sound to everyone.”

“Better ratings than any reality show, no doubt.”

He gave her a little glare. “An intelligent pastor coming between the sisters is an interesting and refreshing twist.”

Kayla quickly fake-shoved her elbow into his stomach and he laughed as he caught her in a little hug. Kathy gave them a once-over, studying their interaction. Kayla glanced at him and then at Kathy. Nervously, she asked, “What? Say it. You seem to have something to say.”

“I’m so glad to see you together. I wondered how it would feel but I’m so glad my friend has a woman to be himself with and my sister has finally found a guy she really cares about.”

They looked at each other and smiled. With his eyes sparking, he said, “Does it show?”

“Does what show?” Kayla evil-eyed him.

“How much I care about you. I try to temper it but…”

“It shows,” Kathy grinned as she added, “along with how happy you both are.”

Kayla bowed her head. “We are happy. If we can just figure out how to calm the minds of the parishioners despite all the juicy elements of two sisters and their sexy pastor.”

Kathy stepped forward and gave her a hug. “Expect the gossip. We are all about to become the stars of it. But if we show a united front, act normal and remain supportive of each other, hopefully, they will get the message. If they even bother to care.”

“I love your optimism. I highly doubt that will happen. But we can all hope for the best and plan for the opposite, huh? How does this work? Shall we make a church announcement? Act like it’s just another community event?” Jim teased.

“No.” Kathy had to let out a laugh. “Not exactly what we usually put in the announcements.”

“Maybe we should just keep it a secret,” Kayla suggested with a sigh.


She blinked. Jim didn’t say anything else but no as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You have more to lose. I didn’t realize how much and I don’t want you to lose anything. Not because of me. Or us,” Kayla said.

“I won’t give up one for the other.”

“Isn’t there some kind of morality clause in your contract?”

“Nothing enforceable. No one can specify who my girlfriend should or should not be.”

“But just losing their trust will erode and eventually ruin your job here. I get it now, and I don’t think it’s worth the risk.”

“I do because you’re worth the risk. We are. I’m not hiding who I am anymore. I shouldn’t have from the start. It caused damage to you and me. I’ve spent my life hiding too many things in my past. I won’t do it anymore and I especially refuse to hide you.” Kayla

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