Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,121

saw what looked remarkably like her old Tim - the Tim she’d fallen head over heels in love with, and the Tim she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Take it slowly she cautioned, remember what Lisa told you, tread carefully and keep your feet on the floor because there are still unanswered questions about size eight Julie and she needed to know for certain that he had definitely changed. She returned to the table sipping the water and, not wanting to spoil the intimate atmosphere by mentioning Julie or their separation, she decided that what they’d talked about was a good enough start. He looked emotionally wrung out and she could tell he’d had enough upset for one day.

Changing the subject altogether she tried to sound more upbeat. “So, back to yesterday, did you manage to get anything out of the food critic?”

“Oh yes,” he said brightly. “He loved the food and the new Victorian dishes and was more than satisfied when he left. And so was Jack, thanks to you.”

Pleased to see he was back in a more confident mood she grinned playfully at him twirling the wine glass in her hand. “That’s good,” she said. “Because basically it’s the only reason I put up with you yesterday. I knew how important it was to you and if it hadn’t been for the critic I would have run for the hills...”

“I know, Kate, and thanks a million,” he said.

She stood up, cleared the plates from the table and then went around to his chair and stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her to him and groaning he buried his face into her while she lovingly ran her hands through his thick hair.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear that,” she said. “You didn’t shout it loud enough, Chef!”

“Thanks a million!” he yelled, and they both burst out laughing.

Chapter Thirty One

"Oh Lisa, I hope I've done the right thing?" Katie said, serving two breasts of duck onto plates.

Lisa leaned forward and sniffed appreciatively. "Well, from what you've told me I think you got it spot on.”

Katie handed Lisa a spoon to help herself to caramelised red cabbage, green beans and potatoes. "I know, and all that about Graham and Jenny was a shock. I’d no idea he had all that resentment trapped inside him.”

Lisa nodded her head understandingly. “Yeah, resentment and bad feelings are not good things to have festering away in your head,” she said piling red cabbage onto her plate.

“But do you think I should have at least kissed him when he had his head sunk into my chest? I could so easily have lifted his face up and kissed him. In fact, I was longing to," she said wistfully.

Lisa crunched into a green bean. "No, I think stroking his hair was a big enough gesture to make. Which, considering the stressful time you’d spent together in the restaurant, was probably more than he was hoping for,” she said and then raising an eyebrow she emphasized, “But, it was a loving response and he will have left knowing that you're still interested but not a complete walk-over and the bad behaviour from weeks ago will simply not be tolerated...”

Katie giggled at her kind but schoolmistress expression and felt more reassured than she had done since he’d left. She piled her plate with cabbage and potatoes. "You should work in psychology, Lisa; you've such a rational way of summing up situations. You've no idea what a comfort you are."

Lisa snorted. “Yeah, that’s me all right, always ready with the answers to everyone’s problems. It’s a pity I can’t be as level headed with my own …”

Katie looked at her friend and wished she knew how to break down her steel barriers so she could help her in return.

Lisa cut through the roasted skin on her duck breast. "This is simply de-lici-ous,"

But, the moment was gone and Katie smiled at her pleasure eating the duck.

Grinning, Lisa asked, "Does this happen to have been cut by the butcher with the enormous hands?"

"No, it wasn't," Katie winced. “And when I think how close I came to shagging him, well, it makes me cringe."

Lisa ate ravenously enjoying every mouthful. "This cabbage is lovely, Katie. Is it easy to cook? I mean, how do you get it to turn red in colour?"

She burst out laughing. "Lisa, it's already red in colour. You buy it like this and just cook it like green cabbage."

"Really! Oh that's good,” she Copyright 2016 - 2024