Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,102

car I thought it looked like the blonde that I'd seen with Tim, and thought at first he'd had the cheek to bring her here to your flat. But then I saw you laughing with her and of course I didn't recognise this guy called John. And then when she turned to wave and I saw those striking blue eyes I knew I was right." She finished taking a deep breath.

"For fuck's sake!" Lisa cried. "So, how does Tim know her? Or does Tim know she was married to Michael’s mate?"

Katie got up and started to pace around the room running her hand through her hair trying to think quickly over past family occasions.

"I mean, does Tim know John?" Lisa persisted.

"I don't know!" she yelled, "I'm trying to remember." She realised she was snapping at them both and suddenly felt terrible. "Oh guys, I'm sorry. I'm just well..."

Sarah smiled leniently. "Of course you are," she soothed. "Just try to think back to the do’s and parties when you were all together."

Katie took hold of Sarah's hand and squeezed it. "I am thinking. Now, I'm sure we've been to a wedding and my cousin’s engagement party, and of course Michael was at them but I'm sure he was with his girlfriend. As far as I can remember I don't think John or any of his mates were there."

Lisa got up and started brushing the wet side of her hair. "Well, that makes it just one hell of a coincidence that Tim has met her," she said heading towards the door to finish her hair. "And, I know you've probably worked this out for yourself, but it does mean that she can't possibly be having a serious relationship with Tim."

Sarah looked dumbly at her and Lisa shook her head raising an eyebrow. “Duh …” she said. “Well she wouldn't be agreeing to go on a date with her ex-husband if she was really into Tim, now would she?"

Realising what Lisa meant Sarah nodded and then Lisa’s words penetrated Katie’s befuddled brain too. She was right, of course she was, and her heart soared with hope.

They heard Lisa's soft tread back along the hall and animatedly she turned to Sarah. "Do you think so?" she asked softly, "I mean it’s true isn't it? Julie can't be serious about Tim, can she?"

Sarah hedged. "It certainly doesn't seem like it but he could be with anyone, Katie," she uttered gently. "Oh, love, I don't want to see you build yourself up for another fall."

Katie agreed nodding her head. "I know. And I’m so sorry I snapped at you both," she apologised again.

"You don't even need to say that," Sarah said considerately draping an arm around her friends shoulder.

"Heavens, here I am asking you guys for lunch and I haven’t even fed you yet," Katie said taking Sarah’s hand and pulling her through to the kitchen.

Lisa stood in the kitchen doorway rubbing her hands together. "What’s to eat, then?"

"Come and sit down, we're not finished talking yet. I've a very interesting story to tell you both about a butcher with the biggest hands I've ever seen or felt," Katie said dissolving into fits of giggles.

She went to bed that night with Lisa's words resounding in her mind; Julie wouldn't be going on a date with John if she was really into her Tim. That was true, wasn’t it? It made sense to her because if she was in love with a guy and her ex-husband wanted her to go on a picnic she’d stay loyal to her boyfriend and refuse. But, as Sarah had reminded, her not everyone is the same and there are probably just as many ruthless women out there as there were men. All she could do was hope and pray Julie wasn’t one of these callous bitches and didn’t have her claws into Tim.

John had sent a text to say he would call early the next morning to return the hamper before going to work and she decided talking to him would be the best way of finding out the truth about Julie.

The next morning she heard him whistling his way down the path and was ready to greet him at the door offering him a coffee. Taking the hamper from him he plonked himself onto a stool at the kitchen island. Looking at John she remembered him as a little boy with Michael his bright red hair flying behind him as they ran in and out of her mum’s kitchen wearing Copyright 2016 - 2024